Hume R-VIII Earns National Award For Helping 100 Percent Of Its Graduating Class Apply To College

Monday, May 20, 2024
Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development Commissioner Dr. Bennett Boggs (right) and MDHEWD Public Relations Coordinator Allison Notter (center) present Hume R-VIII Counselor and rootED Advisor Janine Castillo with the 2023 American College Application Campaign School of Excellence Award.
Submitted to the Nevada Daily Mail

Earlier this month, the Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development (MDHEWD) presented Hume R-VIII Counselor and rootED Advisor Janine Castillo with the 2023 American College Application Campaign School of Excellence Award during an assembly. Hume R-VIII received this national recognition for its work to increase the number of high school seniors applying to college through the Apply Missouri program.

For complete story, see the print or online edition of the Nevada Daily Mail

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