Thank Heaven for Babies

Monday, June 10, 2024
Nevada Dianas members, from left, Judy Ullman, Chris Stiles and Dana Ellis prepare for the Dianas annual fundraiser for the Nevada Birthright with a Thank Heaven for Babies annual donation box. Boxes can be found through the month of June at First National Bank, Great Southern Bank and inside the Precision Coffee entrance.
Photo by Dawn Jones/Special to the Daily Mail

During a casual conversation a few years ago, Nevada Dianas club members Jan Benbrook and Chris Heringer had an idea. Actually, according to Benbrook, it was an idea Heringer had brought with her in her recent move from Texas: Thank Heaven for Babies, a simple but effective way to supply needed items, especially for infants, by setting up donation stations throughout the community.

For complete story, see the print or online edition of the Nevada Daily Mail

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