City has plans to improve on an already popular park

Tuesday, June 18, 2024
The Izaak Walton Lake Park is slated for improvements, which Nevada Parks and Recreation Director Richard Brockman hopes will draw more people together. The park features walking trails, bass fishing and peaceful (okay, somewhat messy) Canada geese. Pictured above, Nevada High School PE teacher and high school boy’s head basketball coach Shaun Gray, brought his summer school PE class out as part of their partial PE credit.
Photos by Dawn Jones/Special to the Daily Mail

Richard Brockman, Nevada Parks and Recreation director, thinks the Izaak Walton Lake Park is due for some upgrades, and it’s going to be more than a face lift – or as he called it, “a massive reconfiguration of the overall park system. I want this to be the place where everybody comes.”

For complete story, see the print or online edition of the Nevada Daily Mail

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