Rafters ring as concert eases plight of pipes (Local News ~ 11/09/04)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Two of the Community Council on the Performing Arts favorite singers, Tim Wilson and Shanna Johnson, gave a rousing performance Saturday night. Emcee Kim Bessey billed the event as the "Plight of the Pipes" -- it was a benefit performance meant to raise the money to repair the Fox Playhouse heating system, organized after the CCPA discovered that the back of the stage area wasn't receiving any heat from the furnaces and repairs were necessary... -
Autographs from authors (Local News ~ 11/09/04)
Writers, poets, editors and even a singer gathered at Cavener's Library and Office Supply Saturday morning to share their creative works with the public, to meet and greet those with an interest in their respective arts and to sign copies of CDs and books for those who stopped by. ... -
Candidate filing for city offices begins Nov. 16
(Local News ~ 11/09/04)
Nevada Daily Mail Filing begins next week for candidates seeking election to a seat on the Nevada City Council. The election will be conducted on April 5. Candidates will be elected to two seats on the council. In the event that more than four people file for the two open council seats, March 8 has been set as the date for a primary election...
Labor of love -- 4H joins Quilted Hugs effort (Local News ~ 11/09/04)
By Ben Holman Nevada Daily Mail The cafeteria at the Neal Center in Nevada was converted into a quilt factory Saturday as area Seniors guided 4-H members in constructing blankets for the Quilted Hugs project. Quilted Hugs is a project spearheaded by Nevada resident Ann Jones, who, with the help of the Bushwhacker Quilt Guild and area support, has undertaken the mission of providing 153 quilts for members of Company A of the 735th Support Battalion of the Missouri National Guard, who left for Fort Riley, Kan., last Tuesday morning for training prior to deployment in Iraq.. ... -
(Births ~ 11/09/04)
Sean Micheal Jeffery Jones Nicole Ridgely and Herbert Jones, Nevada, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Sean Micheal Jeffery Jones. Sean was born at 8:47 p.m., on Nov. 5, 2004, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. He weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces. Paternal grandparents are Anna and Roberta Jones, Nevada. Maternal grandparents are Betty and Larry Soltynski, Sykesville, Md...
(Obituary ~ 11/09/04)
Clifford Donald Green Sr. Clifford Donald Green Sr., 80, Baton Rouge, La., formerly of Milo, died Saturday, Nov. 6, 2004, at his home. He was a retired sales manager with Stanley Home Products. He was a member of Baton Rouge Seventh-day Adventist Church...
Guest editorial
(Editorial ~ 11/09/04)
Election reflections Now that the voters have decisively spoken, most of the lawyers have gone home and plans are being made to tackle important issues, here are some reflections on the 2004 election: n The election process worked. After the 2000 elections and problems at some polling places this year, there was good reason to wonder if the outcome of the presidential race might be delayed for weeks...
The Way It Was
(Column ~ 11/09/04)
100 years ago: Circuit Judge contest very close The contest between Judge J.B. Johnson of this city and L.W. Shafer (Rep) is decidedly interesting. The Republicans claim that Dade County has given Shafer a 721 majority; Cedar, 260; and Barton, 25. Total, 1,006...
Cottey falls at home to Labette (College Sports ~ 11/09/04)
By Joe Warren Nevada Daily Mail The Cottey Comets were handed their first home basketball defeat of the season when Labette County Community College visited the Hink Saturday, losing 88-40. Cottey coach Dave Ketterman said the visitors just had too much athleticism... -
Shatner explores new world of recording
(Column ~ 11/09/04)
Britney Spears recently announced the sad news that she's taking a break from her career as a pop star, so she can "chill." (That's a bit like Dan Quayle announcing he's taking a break from his career as a politician. He's been chilling since '92.)...