Council prepares to respond to power outage emergency
(Local News ~ 03/24/05)
By Ralph Pokorny Nevada Daily Mail During a table top exercise the Vernon County Local Emergency Planning Committee held in 1999, it was determined that Nevada's greatest Y2K risk would be a lengthy, city-wide or area-wide power outage. A power outage of a few hours is usually only a nuisance; however, if that power outage extends longer than 24 hours, that nuisance becomes a serious problem for the entire town...
Fire at Vernon County Meats brings an end to chapter in Smiths' life (Local News ~ 03/24/05)
By Ben Holman Nevada Daily Mail The flames are out, and all that is left is a warped and twisted metal shell that has been blackened by smoke. The pile of deformed metal that sits between a small cinder block building and a small corral is all that is left of Vernon County Meats... -
Grants available to public entities or organizations
(Local News ~ 03/24/05)
Nevada Daily Mail Gregory C. Branum, Missouri state director for Rural Development, announced that the agency is soliciting competitive applications under its Housing Preservation Grant program. Rural Development offices will receive pre-applications until May 13...
Welcome to our world (Local News ~ 03/24/05)
Children at the Step Ahead Learning Center in Nevada gaze excitedly into the incubator that has been at their preschool for the past week or so. The incubator and eggs are at Step Ahead as part of the University of Missouri Extension embryology program. Above, in no particular order, are Cameron Tracy Kori Leer, Kelly Bruce, Dalton Bates, Sydney Gade, Amber Schneck, Christian Foster and Sam Polk... -
Loyd Eugene Hendrix Sr.
(Obituary ~ 03/24/05)
Loyd Eugene Hendrix Sr., 76, Nevada, died Wednesday, March 23, 2005, at Moore-Few Care Center, Nevada, following a lengthy illness. He was born Oct. 28, 1928, in Nevada, to William Henry Hendrix and Bessie Wilhemina Koehler Hendrix. He married Shirley Ann Garwood on April 29, 1961, in Nevada, and she survives of the home...
Violet Marie Herbst
(Obituary ~ 03/24/05)
Violet Marie Herbst, 83, Nevada, died March 20, 2005. Services were held at Ferry Funeral Home today, March 24, at 11 a.m., with Anthony Pileggi officiating. Musical selections were "On Eagle's Wings" and "Amazing Grace." Interment was in Mount Calvary Cemetery in Nevada. Arrangements are by Ferry Funeral Home...
The best laid plans
(Column ~ 03/24/05)
Advertisements constantly tell us to plan. We need to plan for our future. Planning for the children's college is important. Retirement with comfort requires planning. Any good program has been well planned. And other sources tell us to plan for our last arrangements...
Letters to the editor
(Letter to the Editor ~ 03/24/05)
Missourians want the dignity that comes with labor Dear editor: On May 29, l989, I suffered a broken neck as a passenger in a car accident. I was your typical 20-year-old guy. I was going to college, starting my summer job, and was looking forward to my summer vacation. All of my dreams were suddenly shattered when the car stopped rolling. I lost the ability to run, walk, stand, dress myself, feed myself, scratch my nose and a million other things that I wanted to do...
The Way It Was
(Column ~ 03/24/05)
100 years ago: Prosecuting attorney Moss called to handle domestic dispute Prosecuting Attorney J.R. Moss was called to Sheldon Thursday by a telegram requesting his presence at once. When the county prosecutor reached Sheldon he ran up against a core of domestic trouble that eclipsed anything in that line he had ever heard of, but after much investigating he decided to leave the family troubles to the family at least for the present...
Two Comets named All-Region
(College Sports ~ 03/24/05)
By Joe Warren Nevada Daily Mail The Cottey Comets had two basketball players named to the Region 16 All-Region teams recently. Sophomores Carol Humphries and Danyca Singleton were honored for their play during the 2004-2005 season. Humphries, a Koshkonong High School graduate, was named to the region's first team. ...
Tiger tracksters getting in shape as season gets underway (High School Sports ~ 03/24/05)
By Joe Warren Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada High School track athletes are hard at work, preparing for the 2005 season at Testman Field every day after school. Coach Robert Watts and his throng of assistants have been working diligently in hopes that they can be competitive in the season that actually began Monday with a trip to Warrensburg and the Central Missouri State relays...