Fashion show dazzles crowd, funds Children's Center (Local News ~ 04/13/05)
By Lynn A. Wade Nevada Daily Mail "It was fabulous. Really fabulous," said a woman as she left the auditorium at Nevada High School Friday night. The woman had just watched a show featuring 15 students modeling the creations of three area fashion designers... -
Senate pulls marathon debate on education funding
(Local News ~ 04/13/05)
By Marc Powers Nevada Daily Mail JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- When lawmakers began tackling the thorny issue of overhauling Missouri's system for distributing public funds earlier this year, Senate President Pro Tem Michael Gibbons feared the effort inevitably would deteriorate into the legislative equivalent of a food fight. To his pleasant surprise that hasn't happened...
Dance company to perform on April 15-16
(Local News ~ 04/13/05)
Nevada Daily Mail The Cottey College Repertory Dance Company will perform on Friday and Saturday, April 15 and 16, at 8 p.m., in the Auditorium of the Haidee and Allen Wild Center for the Arts. Admission is free. The Repertory Company members will perform faculty, guest artist, and student works in the styles of modern, jazz, and a hint of ballet. The company is under the direction of Haley Hoss Jameson, assistant professor of dance...
Celebrating conservation -- annual district awards presented at dinner (Local News ~ 04/13/05)
By Nancy Malcom Nevada Daily Mail The Vernon County Soil and Water Conservation District held its 43rd annual dinner and awards night April 8 at the Vernon County fairgrounds. Awards were presented to a conservation farmer, a grassland farmer and winners of a conservation poster contest, following a chicken dinner, which has become a VCSWCD tradition... -
Nellie Black Yocum
(Obituary ~ 04/13/05)
Nellie Black Yocum, 92, Rich Hill, died April 12, 2005, at Medical Lodge of Butler. She is survived by two daughters, Margie Garcia, El Monte, Calif., and Louise Louvier, Kansas City, Mo.; three sons, Larry E. Black, Rich Hill, Kenny Black, Hermitage, Mo., and Jim Black, Nevada; and numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren...
Nuance in Miami, Risk in Cuba
(Column ~ 04/13/05)
MIAMI -- Exile radio stations here are blasting the Cuban American National Foundation for breaking Little Havana's most sacred taboo: CANF changed its longtime policy and asked its members to travel to the bigger Havana 90 miles south of Key West. It isn't hard to understand why most anti-Castro groups historically oppose travel to the island...
Community of young people across America-- 4-H
(Column ~ 04/13/05)
I am still interested in 4-H although it is now 16 years since I retired from extension as a 4-H youth specialist. If you were to check my blood, you might still find that green is flowing through my veins. Recently, I received a copy of the Missouri 4-H Youth Development Programs 2004 Annual Report. I am always pleased to receive this report and see some of the highlights in the 4-H program...
The Way It Was
(Column ~ 04/13/05)
100 years ago: Work continues on Nevada-Springfield line The Kansas City, Nevada and Springfield surveyors are continuing their work within the city limits and the topographers are mapping for blueprints the route already gone over, says Wednesday's Springfield Leader...
Wildcats slide by Nevada in the seventh (High School Sports ~ 04/13/05)
By Joe Warren Nevada Daily Mail The old saying goes, "If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all." The Nevada Tigers can certainly identify with that statement. Nevada had a series of close plays go against them as the visiting Harrisonville Wildcats overcame a 4-0 deficit Tuesday to beat the Tigers 6-5, handing Nevada their third straight one-run loss... -
Women's bowling city champions (Community Sports ~ 04/13/05)
The Nevada Women's Bowling Association held a city tournament Feb. 19-20. Winning the singles division was Patty Alexander (not pictured). The doubles winners were Diane Gilmore and Samantha White (top). Gilmore also was the all-events winner. The team winners (bottom) were Carolyn Hutchison, Amanda Friar, Diane Gilmore and Misty Murrow. Also on the team but not pictured was Lori Layher. -
Big-name closers having trouble closing
(Other Sports ~ 04/13/05)
Associated Press Mariano Rivera blows two saves against Boston, Keith Foulke gives up a game-ending homer to Derek Jeter. Cleveland's Bob Wickman wastes a ninth-inning lead against the White Sox, and the very next day Chicago closer Shingo Takatsu gives up three homers in the ninth against the Indians...