Cottey to offer online courses
(Local News ~ 05/15/05)
By Laurie Wade Nevada Herald This summer will mark the beginning of the Cottey College Summer Distance Education Program -- the first of its kind to be offered by the school. Six classes will be conducted on-line this summer with students being able to choose two classes to enroll in. Classes include Art Appreciation, English Composition 101, Business and Technical Communications, Creative Writing, Interpersonal Communications and U.S. History Since 1877...
St. Mary's to expand services
(Local News ~ 05/15/05)
* Local catholic school to provide preschool for 4-year-olds next year. By Lynn A. Wade Nevada Herald Opportunities for education at St. Mary's Catholic School will expand to younger students next year, when the school plans to offer all-day preschool classes in conjunction with its regular school year...
Crime bill passes
(Local News ~ 05/15/05)
By Marc Powers Nevada Herald JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- State Rep. Scott Lipke pulled off a rare feat on Friday by securing final legislative passage of an omnibus crime bill. As more and more proposed criminal statutes are rolled into the same bill, the degree of difficulty in steering such legislation through the General Assembly steadily increases...
Crash victim tells of tragedy (Local News ~ 05/15/05)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Herald A 2002 Nevada High School graduate returned to the school Tuesday to tell students of her experience as a victim of a drunk driver. Jessica Culbertson told the audience the fateful day was no different from any other -- until the crash... -
Residents get royal treatment (Local News ~ 05/15/05)
Ruby Neel and Johnny Bass were crowned King and Queen of Moore-Few Monday to celebrate Nursing Home Week. -
Issac Jordan Jones
(Births ~ 05/15/05)
Jesse and Rachel Jones, Bronaugh, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Issac Jordan Jones. He was born at 4:12 p.m., on April 18, 2005, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. He weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces, and measured 21 inches. Paternal grandparents are Larry and Valerie Jones, Sheldon. ...
Thomas Dale Hacker
(Obituary ~ 05/15/05)
Thomas Dale Hacker, 66, Nevada, passed away Thursday, May 12, 2005, at Moore-Few Care Center, Nevada, following an illness of 15 months. He was born Nov. 25, 1938, in Walker, to Howard Hacker and Angie Palmer Hacker. He was married to Sharon Stong in 1971 in Nevada, and she survives of the home...
Walter C. "Bud" Huppe
(Obituary ~ 05/15/05)
Walter C. "Bud" Huppe, 84, Nevada, died May 8, 2005. Services were held at Newton Burial Park on May 14, at 10 a.m., with Mike Satterlee officiating. Musical selection was "In the Garden." Pallbearers were Rusty Fanning, Clarence Ewing, Frank Lurten, Mike Brigman, Mike Snider and Mike Wild. Arrangements were by Ferry Funeral Home...
Margaret F. Fleming
(Obituary ~ 05/15/05)
Margaret F. Fleming, 94, Nevada, died May 10, 2005. Services were held at St. Mary's Catholic Church on May 14, at 11 a.m., with the Rev. Anthony Pileggi officiating. Organist was Gwen Schoolcraft. Musical selections were "O' God Our Help in Ages Past," "Amazing Grace" and "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say." Canter was Susan McBeth. ...
Johnnie Walker
(Obituary ~ 05/15/05)
Johnnie Walker, 81, died Thursday, May 12, 2005, at Moore-Few Care Center. Family information and funeral arrangements will be announced later by Ferry Funeral Home.
How do you define 'travel'?
(Column ~ 05/15/05)
"I've traveled widely in Concord," Henry Thoreau quipped one day to a group of his fellow-townsmen. I wonder how many of his listeners tittered at his remark. You can bet not one of them guffawed. What he meant was that as a mere mortal afflicted with tuberculosis, from which he sensed he'd die early (he'd be 44), he wanted to know intimately the physical nature of his own environment as no other human had known it until that time. ...
The Way It Was
(Column ~ 05/15/05)
100 years ago: Mice and mold damage corn crop E.T. Letton of Blue Mound township was in Nevada Monday on business. Mr. Letton says the recent heavy rains were welcome in his neighborhood for the reason that the mice were drowned. He says that the mice and molds have eaten much of the planted corn and that he was compelled to replant some of his corn. The black birds and crows have also bothered the farmers by eating planted corn...
Calvary Christian finishes track season (Community Sports ~ 05/15/05)
Calvary Christian School finished the 2005 track season May 6-7 in Joplin at the Missouri Christian Schools state tournament. Participating were, from left, Michael Morris, Assistant Coach Tim Morris, Joel Morris, Tim Wallace, Scott Borders, Devan Scougal, Tyler Borders and Coach Jim Borders. ... -
Winning the big pot (Other Sports ~ 05/15/05)
Denny Chrisenbery of Bronaugh won the Street Stock Special at Nevada Speedway on May 7. Chrisenbery won both his heat and the feature, his first victory of the season. With the win, Chrisenbery earned $500 in the Special. -
Royals fall on homer in the ninth inning
(Other Sports ~ 05/15/05)
Associated Press KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Maybe opponents should stop pitching to those dangerous No. 9 hitters of Tampa Bay. The bottom spot in the Devil Rays' order has combined for 10 home runs, including Alex Gonzalez's 425-foot solo shot with two outs in the ninth inning for a 3-2 victory over Kansas City on Friday night...
Mets down Cards behind Glavine, Floyd
(Other Sports ~ 05/15/05)
Associated Press NEW YORK -- Tom Glavine has a reputation as a thinking man's pitcher, slick instead of quick, smart instead of swift. There are times, though, when he thinks he thinks too much. Glavine was stuck in a rut, beaten up badly in his last three starts for the New York Mets. And at age 39, with opposing hitters batting .333 against him, people were beginning to wonder if the third winningest active pitcher might be done...
2005 Turkey Season results
(Outdoors ~ 05/15/05)
Nevada Herald The 2005 Turkey Season results for the Spring were recently released by the Missouri Conservation Department. There were 53,798 total turkeys reported, either by TeleCheck or at check stations. The record, set last year, was 56,882. Vernon County saw an increase from 464 birds taken last year, to 579 taken this year. In Vernon County 281 birds were taken to check stations and 298 were called in...
Tiger Woods misses first cut since 1998 with bogey on final hole
(Other Sports ~ 05/15/05)
Associated Press IRVING, Texas -- The moment was packed with the kind of tension usually seen only at a major. In the locker room at the Byron Nelson Championship, players huddled around the television as Tiger Woods stood over a 15-foot putt. Upstairs in the family dining area, about 60 people set down their silverware and stopped their chatter to watch. On the course, the 1,500 fans surrounding the 18th green went stone silent...
No better place to fish than the Ozarks
(Sports Column ~ 05/15/05)
Bill Anderson is one angler who has started catching crappie and bass at Truman, Stockton and Pomme de Terre. Anderson, a transplant from Minnesota, said, "I have been fishing in the Ozarks for nearly 20 years and have seen both good and fair fishing, but I can't say it has ever been bad. I always catch something, although it may not be the species I started after."...
The Chiefs have finally tried to address the defense
(Sports Column ~ 05/15/05)
Considering what he's been up to this spring, I'd have to say Chiefs' General Manager Carl Peterson has finally gotten serious about improving his team's porous defense. I know there are a lot of fans out there who are disappointed because Peterson failed to go out and sign all the available super stars. From my point of view, though, I don't think the Chiefs really needed to go out and corral that much major talent...
Laning, Beachner engagement (Engagement ~ 05/15/05)
Special to the Herald Sheila and Gary Laning, of Nevada, announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their daughter, Melody Ranae Laning, to Joshua Gabriel Beachner, son of Steve and Debbie Beachner of Raytown, Mo. Bride-elect Laning graduated in 2001 from Missouri Southern State University in Joplin, with a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications. ... -
Yesterday and tomorrow
(Column ~ 05/15/05)
Hi neighbors. Does everyone have umbrellas? It is the time for our May showers. It's been a busy week for most people in Nevada, the same as most weeks for many of them. The school year is winding to a close and some people are planning their vacations. Older students are looking for summer jobs and younger ones are looking for summer activities and sports to get involved with...