New fingerprint background check system could benefit area school districts
(Local News ~ 06/30/05)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Fingerprint checks aren't quite as fast as television shows indicate; but under a new program Missouri Governor Matt Blunt announced Tuesday, they will become faster than they presently are. Today, it takes the Missouri State Highway Patrol six to eight weeks to process fingerprint-based applicant background checks, with the new process that time should be reduced to five business days, according to a press release from the governor's office...
More tax donation options haven't sparked giving
(Local News ~ 06/30/05)
By Marc Powers Nevada Daily Mail JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- Although state lawmakers continue to provide a growing array of options for Missourians to make charitable donations on their tax returns, it hasn't resulted in increased overall giving. In 1989, there was only one tax check-off through which Missourians could voluntarily forgo a portion of their state income tax refund...
Local health care facility celebrates Pride Week
(Local News ~ 06/30/05)
Special to the Daily Mail Garen Cox, president and CEO of Medicalodges, Inc., announced recently that Medicalodges will be celebrating the third annual Pride Week at Medicalodges, Inc. Medicalodges has chosen the week of July 4-10 as a time to honor those individuals who have served their country such as our military, fire, police, nurses, doctors, teachers, and other volunteers committed to service...
Old beef barn looks like new (Local News ~ 06/30/05)
By Rusty Murry Nevada Daily Mail Well, it may not look exactly new, but the beef barn at the Vernon County Fairgrounds is sporting a brand new look for this year's 60th Annual Youth Fair. Originally built in 1962 and enlarged in the mid-70s, the barn was in need of a lot of work. The posts that held up the rafters and sheet metal roof were rotted so badly at the ground that beef committee member John Shorten said, "I don't know what kept the building from blowing away."... -
Michael "Cooper" Redlich (Births ~ 06/30/05)
Mike and Kim (Ewing) Redlich and Caroline Olson, of Greenfield, Mo., are proud to announce the arrival of their son and brother, Michael "Cooper" Redlich. Michael was born May 25, 2005, at 8:04 a.m., at Cox Hospital, Springfield. He weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces, and measured 22 inches... -
The James Gang and The Younger Family
(Column ~ 06/30/05)
When outlaws become mature, they often lose some of their wild ways and settle down to family life. We have found that true this summer with two families of non-domesticated Canada Geese. The one couple that has raised a family on our pond for at least 10 years came back in early spring and fought off all others who tried to find a nesting place nearby. ...
Letters to the editor
(Letter to the Editor ~ 06/30/05)
It's about now, not then Dear editor: First, I extend my sincerest apologies to anyone who thinks that my purpose is to attack any Nevada family or their ancestors in a personal way. As an annual celebration I think Bushwhacker Days is a great thing for folks to do every summer. ...
Are the umpires out to get the Nevada Griffons?
(Sports Column ~ 06/30/05)
I am not a conspiracy theorist. Generally my belief is that those who subscribe to vast governmental conspiracies are either struggling to cope with logic or have fallen off the cliff of reality. That being said, something stinks in the Jayhawk League and it just might be the umpiring...
Nevada Speedway report -- June 25
(Other Sports ~ 06/30/05)
By Gail Agee Track Reporter The cars were flying Saturday night! Saturday's action produced four first time Feature winners for the season: Modified was Trey Todd; Street Stock was Curt Drake; Factory Stock was Foxie Sumner and Mini Stock was Brandon Leer. ...
Griffons drop pair
(Community Sports ~ 06/30/05)
Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada Griffons finally broke their string of five consecutive doubleheader splits Saturday when they swept the Southwest Slashers. Wednesday the pendulum swung the other way. Griffons pitching was hammered to the tune of 28 runs in two seven-inning games as they were swept by the Wichita Twins 19-16 and 9-7...
The Way It Was
(Column ~ 06/30/05)
**100 years ago: Lighting strike catches barn on fire A barn on the place known as the Shepherd farm, about six miles northeast of Nevada, was burned by lightning at 2 o'clock Thursday morning. A wagon and a set of harness were saved from the flames, but some harness and feed were destroyed with the barn. ...