Grants will help make voting easier in Vernon County
(Local News ~ 11/18/05)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Vernon County is getting some help meeting the requirements of the Help America Vote Act of 2002. Secretary of State Robin Carnahan announced that the county could receive up to $335,650 in one-time funds to update voting equipment...
Local Ear musicians' group to hold awards ceremony on Nov. 22
(Local News ~ 11/18/05)
Nevada Daily Mail Local Ear Music is holding its annual Local Ear Readers Choice Awards at the Nevada Days Inn, on Tuesday, Nov. 22. The purpose of the awards show is to recognize local bands for their talents and to give local artists the the opportunity to get their name before the public...
'Schoolhouse Rock' opens tonight at NHS (Local News ~ 11/18/05)
The high school production of School House Rock Live! will be tonight, tomorrow, and Sunday in the high school auditorium at 7:30 p.m.. The cost is $4 for adults and $3 for children. Staff and faculty of Nevada R-5 are admitted for free. Above Katie McCully, senior; Katie Christensen, senior; Blythe Holland, sophomore; Amanda Maxwell, senior; Erik Delaney, senior; and Hannah Ketterman, senior; singing Verb, from the Saturday morning cartoons starting in the 1970s. ... -
History comes to life for preschoolers at Bushwhacker Museum (Local News ~ 11/18/05)
By Afton Bugg Nevada Daily Mail The Bronaugh preschoolers visited the Bushwhacker Museum and Jail, in Nevada on Wednesday morning to learn about the history of Indians, war soldiers and how people lived more than a century or two ago. The Bushwhacker Museum is introducing more children's exhibits then they have ever had in the past. School groups come to explore many museum pieces... -
Stella Hayes
(Obituary ~ 11/18/05)
Stella Hayes, age 93, went home to her Lord on Nov. 11, 2005. Stella was born on Oct. 27, 1912, in Crowberg, Kan., to Joe and Josephine Fontanazza. After graduating from Jr. College in Pittsburg, Kan., she met her future husband while playing tennis. ...
David D. Winship
(Obituary ~ 11/18/05)
David D. Winship, 63, Nevada, died Friday, Nov. 18, 2005, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. Family information and funeral arrangements will be announced later by Ferry Funeral Home, Nevada.
Margaret Lynch
(Obituary ~ 11/18/05)
Margaret Lynch, 63, Nevada, died Friday, Nov. 18, 2005, at Medicalodge in Nevada. Funeral arrangements will be announced later by Ferry Funeral Home, Nevada.
Guest editorial
(Editorial ~ 11/18/05)
Tax reform After a year of studying the federal tax system, the President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform has issued a report that has stirred little comment from taxpayers. Maybe the lack of reaction is because of everything else dominating headlines these days...
Katrina's lessons for agriculture
(Column ~ 11/18/05)
The images of Hurricane Katrina's devastation continue to haunt us all. Gulf Coast farmers and shrimpers may never fully recover from the loss of their homes and livelihoods. But the impact of the storm goes well beyond the Coast and will likely be felt by farmers and consumers around the country for years to come. From higher energy costs to a dearth of transport and storage for fertilizer and grain, Katrina reminds us of the fragility of our commodity networks...
Giving Thanks for Our Freedoms
(Column ~ 11/18/05)
One of the most famous images of the 20th century was created by artist Norman Rockwell during World War II. The illustration, captioned "Freedom From Want", shows a family gathered around a table preparing to carve the turkey and enjoy Thanksgiving dinner together...
Baseball owners unanimously approve steroid deal
(Other Sports ~ 11/18/05)
Associated Press MILWAUKEE -- It took six months of negotiating for baseball commissioner Bud Selig to get the tough steroid policy he wanted, mere minutes for baseball owners to approve it. Owners voted unanimously Thursday to ratify the new drug deal, which includes a 50-game suspension for a first positive test. The players' association executive board still has to sign off on the deal, but that's considered a formality...
Nevada football all-conference honors (High School Sports ~ 11/18/05)