Statistics show that domestic violence (Local News ~ 07/27/06)
Editor's note: This is the first in a series about domestic violence that will explore the prevalence of domestic violence in the community, the personal experience of a victim, the resources available to those coping with domestic violence and the difficulties associated with prosecution of such crimes... -
Hospital auxiliary seeks additional volunteers
(Local News ~ 07/27/06)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail During the monthly meeting of the Nevada Regional Medical Center board of directors Denise Sloniker told them that Moore-Few had disputed the facts of a state surveyor who had given the facility a deficiency and the deficiency was removed from the record. Since the deficiency was the only one marring the record, it left Moore-Few with a deficiency-free survey...
National Civil War tourism efforts stepping up in Missouri-Kansas region
(Local News ~ 07/27/06)
By Ralph Pokorny Nevada Daily Mail National recognition of the Civil War in the Missouri-Kansas border area is likely to become a reality in the near future, Terry Ramsey told the IMPACT Nevada Tourism board Tuesday evening. Ramsey,who is the Bushwhacker Museum director, said that she had received an e-mail on Monday from Congressman Ike Skelton to let her know the bill establishing Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area had passed the U.S. ...
Nevada reopens doors with new staff structure
(Local News ~ 07/27/06)
After closing down for a day and a half, Nevada's city hall reopened its doors today, with a much smaller staff and the day-to-day implementation of a new structure of responsibilities for remaining staffers under way. On Tuesday, Interim City Manager Harlan Moore announced that 30 positions had been eliminated and that dramatic changes would be taking place in the way city business is administered and in the distribution of duties, after discussing the matter with the city council in a special meeting held that afternoon.. ...
Citizen hopes city's budget woes won't stall airport project
(Local News ~ 07/27/06)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Local citizen David Bishop is concerned the city's financial woes, brought dramatically to light when city hall closed its doors temporarily, after announcing cuts and changes in the city's organizational structure, might cause the city council to drop projects that could be completed for little extra cost...
Kevin Green
(Obituary ~ 07/27/06)
Kevin Green, the son of Charles and Evelyn Green, was born on April 5, 1957, in Kansas City, Mo., and passed away on July 23, 2006, at home and with his family by his side, at 49 years of age. He was a longtime resident of Nevada, Mo. While in Nevada, Kevin made several friends through his job as a salesman at Barton's. ...
It's The Little Things
(Column ~ 07/27/06)
If you find any errors in this essay, don't blame me for being a poor typist. Blame the cat food company. Since I am staying at home with Lester through this early part of his recuperation from heart surgery, other family members are doing the grocery shopping for me. Our poor cats have been somewhat neglected through this period of changing schedules and long absences, so I wanted to be sure they got fed well...
You think it's hot, think about the summer of '36
(Column ~ 07/27/06)
The long hot summer got you down? Pity yourself as you rush from air conditioned house to air conditioned car while the temperature flirts with 100? All aboard the time machine, you wimps, for a 70-year trip back to 1936, when hot was hot! 1936, of course, was in the depths of the Great Depression, and it was as if nature had decided to step in and remind us that all hardships and disasters aren't manmade...
Griffons squander home finale, set loss record (Community Sports ~ 07/27/06)
By Joe Warren Nevada Daily Mail NEVADA, Mo. -- The Nevada Griffons left at least one runner on base in every inning and had 10 in the game as they failed to capitalize on seven Joplin errors in a loss to the Slashers at Lyons Stadium Wednesday, 7-6... -
Nevada Speedway report -- July 27
(Outdoors ~ 07/27/06)
By Gail Agee Track Reporter Excellent racing was on tap for the fans Saturday night. A number of times the leaders of the heats and features raced side by side around the track for several laps before one was able to gain the lead and then had to hold off the second place car to capture the win. ...