State officials visit Hab Center (Local News ~ 08/23/06)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder and members of the Missouri Mental Health Task Force, along with local officials, including State Representative Barney Fisher, visited the Nevada Habilitation Center on the way to a public hearing in Joplin on Tuesday. The task force is looking into ways to improve the safety of clients of the Department of Mental Health... -
City's financial future remains bleak despite error in calculating sewer revenue decline
(Local News ~ 08/23/06)
By Ralph Pokorny Nevada Daily Mail Since July 25, when interim city manager Harlan Moore told the city council that the city has lost about $2 million in commercial sewer revenue since 2002, several city councilmen and other council observers have been scratching their heads wondering why they had never heard anything about this before...
Beisly sues counties and an area drug task force
(Local News ~ 08/23/06)
Nevada Daily Mail Bob Beisly II, Richards, has filed suit against a regional drug task force, claiming they were not organized legally. The suit, brought by attorney Tyce Stuart Smith, Waynesville, was filed Monday in Vernon County Circuit Court. Board members and officer-in-charge of the Southwest Missouri Major Case Squad Drug Task Force, Vernon, Barton, Dade, Cedar, St. Clair and Bates counties and 10 cities in the six counties are named as defendants...
Students begin new year with a splash (Local News ~ 08/23/06)
By Colette Lefebvre Nevada Daily Mail Parents lined up at the Walton Aquatic Center on Tuesday afternoon, loaded their children with towels and swimming gear and drove off, trusting that their children would return to them, soggy and excited about a new school year. ... -
Child sexual abuse hits close to home
(Local News ~ 08/23/06)
Editor's note: this is the third story in a series about sexual crimes against children. Future stories will look into the lasting impact of such crimes on its victims and the challenges of prosecuting such crimes. By Colette Lefebvre Nevada Daily Mail...
Underage drinking operation results in five arrests
(Local News ~ 08/23/06)
Nevada Daily Mail In response to numerous complaints from the public in the Nevada area, the Missouri State Highway Patrol conducted an undercover operation to determine if minors were being served alcohol at Echo's nightclub. "I can't put a number to how many people complained, that's why we're just going with numerous," Sergeant Dan Brockman, Missouri Highway Patrol, said. "I can just say there was a lot of concern about the minors being served."...
Eva Mae McDaniel
(Obituary ~ 08/23/06)
Eva Mae McDaniel, age 72, of Walker, Mo., passed away Aug. 20, 2006, at the Nevada Regional Medical Center in Nevada, Mo., where she had recently been admitted after suffering several years with chronic health problems. She was born Jan. 28, 1934, in Denver, Colo., the daughter of Leo O. ...
To do the best they can
(Column ~ 08/23/06)
The swimming season has ended and school is in progress even though Labor Day has not yet arrived. Learning to swim their best was the challenge for those participating in the Nevada Neptunes, which is a good program for the youth involved. It provides good experiences and learning opportunities...
The Way it Was
(Editorial ~ 08/23/06)
100 years ago Insurrection in Cuba spreading HAVANA -- Insurgents in the province of Pinar del Rio captured their first city there today. At 9 o'clock this morning a force led by Pino Guerrera an ex-congressman and influential man, and who was thought to be many miles eastward and sundry other insurgents bands attacked San Luis, which is situated on the railroad about 10 miles west of Pinar del Rio city, A sharp and decisive engagement followed, during which a number of men were killed or wounded. ...
Nevada Neptunes results -- Tri-State season finale
(Outdoors ~ 08/23/06)
Tri-State Championships Aug. 5-6 Girls 15-18, 200 yard freestyle 3 -- Kristen Badgley, 2:06.69 Girls 8-and-under, 100 yard medley relay 2 -- Nevada 1:55.17 (Ashton Eador, Megan Hold, Carsten Warner, Lori Lile) Boys 10-and-under, 100 yard medley relay...