Hospital board welcomes new members
(Local News ~ 02/01/07)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Nevada Medical Center board of directors met their new members, Robin Miller and Julie Sitz, at the regular board meeting Jan. 30, in the hospital's mezzanine conference room. Before discussion began, the members reviewed a video on reducing their exposure to liability...
Woman questions role of Vernon County Prosecutor
(Local News ~ 02/01/07)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Bringing up concerns about how her daughter's case was handled, Lisa Whitaker asked the county commissioners during the public hearing on the county's budget about a grant, then went on to question the prosecutor's methods...
Relearning ways to stay warm
(Local News ~ 02/01/07)
Special to the Daily Mail Living in the climate controlled comfort of modern homes and apartments, Americans quickly forget how the forces of nature can impact our lives. "But recently, nature seems to be getting our attention through our utility bills and when we seek shelter from a storm," said Jeff Barber, housing and environmental design specialist, University of Missouri Extension. ...
Work to revitalize El Dorado Springs continues
(Local News ~ 02/01/07)
n Architects evaluate feasibility of crosswalks, lighting in downtown area. Nevada Daily Mail Efforts of the Spring City Revitalization Group continue to forge ahead. According to a press release from the group, February is "I Love El Dorado Springs Month."...
Rebekah L. Barton
(Obituary ~ 02/01/07)
Rebekah L. Reed Saathoff Barton, 93, Nevada, Mo., passed away on Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2007, at Moore-Few Care Center in Nevada. She was born on Feb. 9, 1913, in Harmon, Mo., to Fred Reed and Anna Genette Gilmartin Reed. She was married to Henry J. Saathoff and he preceded her in death on Jan. 17, 1955...
What's Your Hurry?
(Column ~ 02/01/07)
Why is the world in such a rush? Anything that takes more than a few minutes is considered not important. Quick is one of our favorite words. I want a quick answer to how often you patronize a quick food place. Or maybe you are the kind that needs a quick fix for anything that ails you. One of our local restaurants is even called Quick Dine...
Of Professionals and Humbler Folk
(Column ~ 02/01/07)
The late, great Franklin Norman once took me to task for referring to the "trade" of Col. DeWitt C. Hunter (the law). It should have been "profession!" It's interesting, at least to us wordsmiths, to compare such not-quite-synonyms. Oddly enough, "trade" means virtually the same as "career." Trade (allied to "tread") means "course, way, track." A "trade wind" is one that "blows in a constant direction." A career (from Latin carraria, carriage road) is "a course, a course of action." As a verb, career, "to take a course or way," is often erroneously replaced by careen, "to heel a ship over on its side for repair." Properly, a car "careers" along the road, or off a cliff. ...