Virginia Lee King Moss
(Obituary ~ 09/11/08)
Virginia Lee King Moss, 79, Willard, Mo., passed away on Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2008 at the Willard Care Center in Willard following a lengthy illness. She was born June 20, 1929, in Osage, Okla., to George William King and Bessie Cooley King. She married George Edgar Moss on April 25, 1947, in Siloam Springs, Ark., and he preceded her in death...
Sheriff's Report Sept. 9
(Police/Fire Report ~ 09/11/08)
Sept. 9 There were reports of a medical call in the Sheldon area, a check well being in the Deerfield area, a careless and imprudent driver in the Bates County area, a theft in the Nevada area, an ex parte violation in the Metz area, harassment in the Nevada area, a vehicle accident in the Dederick area, a 911 call in the Nevada area, an animal in the Nevada area, a 911 hang up in the Metz area, a stranded motorist in thet Nevada area, a stranded motorist in there Compton Junction area, a domestic disturbance in the Sheldon area and a 911 call in the Nevada area.. ...
Grant provides 30 3M digital projectors to R-5 school district
(Local News ~ 09/11/08)
High-quality digital projectors, now a staple of educational presentations, will soon be showing up at various sites throughout the Nevada R-5 school district, thanks to a grant from 3M, facilitated by the local plant. Assistant Superintendent Christie Peterson said the devices are extremely high quality, and will be suitable for use in large rooms or in bright classrooms...
Planning Commission reviews I-49 plans
(Local News ~ 09/11/08)
Plans to turn U.S. Highway 71 into Interstate 49 have been in the works for several years and now the Missouri Department of Transportation is looking at the minimum improvements they must finish to bring the highway up to Interstate standards so it can receive Interstate designation...
R-5 board reviews ups and downs of first weeks of school
(Local News ~ 09/11/08)
Despite the shadow of multiple suspensions from certain extra-curricular activities for several students connected with a party that took place in rural Vernon County in late August, Nevada R-5 Superintendent Dr. David Stephens reported that the first few weeks of school have, overall, been a "positive atmosphere" and a good experience...
Hope triumphs (Local News ~ 09/11/08)
Zara Tumbleson and Debi Crites are proof positive that no one is ever a lost cause. On Tuesday, Tumbleson, Crites and a third Vernon County Drug Court participant who declined to be named (anonymity is offered as part of the program) became the 39th, 40th and 41st graduates of the diversionary program aimed at getting people out of the cycle of addiction and criminal behavior and giving them the opportunity to become contributing members of society... -
Judge talks of merits of drug-free life (Local News ~ 09/11/08)
Johnson's road to recovery nearly complete
(High School Sports ~ 09/11/08)
"It's been hard work, but it's been worth it." Those are the words of Nevada High School multi-sport athlete Lexi Johnson. Lexi was involved in a head-on vehicle collision last October that left her with two broken legs, a fractured collar bone and a torn patellar tendon. She openly admits that the trip that ended in that accident should have been her last, but still keeps a positive attitude about her situation...
Lady Tigers trounce Jasper (High School Sports ~ 09/11/08)
(Column ~ 09/11/08)
I have been embarrassed several times lately because of errors in some of my articles. For example, I put the Thornton Autobank on the wrong corner of Austin and Lynn. I also started the word psychiatrist to identify our friend, Candice Moore, and my fingers ended up typing psychologist. ...