Linleigh Kayte Denney
(Births ~ 10/03/08)
Travis and Gretchen Denney, of Sheldon, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Linleigh Kayte Denney. Linleigh was born at 8:57 p.m., on Sept. 23, 2008, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. She weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces, and measured 20 inches...
Sheriff's Report Oct. 1
(Police/Fire Report ~ 10/03/08)
Oct. 1 There were reports of a traffic stop in the Dederick area, a traffic stop in the Nevada area, a theft in the Nevada area, a suspicoius vehicle in the Sheldon area, a vandalism in the Deerfield area, a controlled burn in the Richards area, a traffic hazard in the Milo area, a juvenile in the Nevada area, a juvenile in the Nevada area, an assault in the Nevada area, a check well being in the Nevada area, a careless and imprudent driver in the Deerfield area, an assault in the Nevada area, a vehicle accident in the Nevada area, loud music in the Schell City area, a medical call in the Milo area, and loud music in the Nevada area.. ...
EMS reports Sept. 24 to 27
(Police/Fire Report ~ 10/03/08)
Sept. 24 5:23 a.m., call canceled, no transport. 11:45 a.m., transfer, St. John's, Joplin. 3:39 p.m., refusal of care, no transport. Sept. 25 12:05 p.m., refusal of care, no transport. 2:26 p.m., medical, Nevada Regional Medical Center. 2:45 p.m., refusal of care, no transport...
Historical marker to be placed near Stotesbury Oct. 7
(Local News ~ 10/03/08)
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources will install a historical plaque at the Lawrence Cemetery, north of Stotesbury, at midmorning, Tuesday, Oct. 7. Although the exact time is still undetermined, all interested persons may attend. The plaque, one of a statewide series, memorializes the raid of John Brown and his gang on three northwest Vernon County farms on he night of Dec. ...
Cottey to present 'A Voice of My Own' Oct. 3-4
(Local News ~ 10/03/08)
The Cottey College Department of Theatre will present its first play of the season, "A Voice of My Own." The performances will be on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 3 and 4, at 8 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Haidee and Allen Wild Center for the Arts. This college play was originally developed for John Houseman's Acting Company in 1979. ...
Department of Revenue sending notices for special license plates
(Local News ~ 10/03/08)
The Missouri Department of Revenue has announced that personalized and specialty license plates will be reissued with a new plate design beginning Jan. 1, 2009. Customers with personalized and specialty plates will receive a notice well in advance of their plate expiration, asking if they wish to keep their current personalized of specialty plate. ...
Firefighters attend rescue training (Local News ~ 10/03/08)
The Nevada Fire Department hosted instructors from the University of Missouri Fire and Rescue Training Institute Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 27 and 28. Introduction to Technical Rescue provided valuable lessons for area firefighters in the basics of responding to incidents involving collapsed structures, confined spaces, water, automobile and industrial entrapments. ... -
Community unites to make a difference (Local News ~ 10/03/08)
Middle School volleyball defeats Joplin
(Community Sports ~ 10/03/08)
The Nevada Middle School seventh and eighth grade volleyball teams dominated their way to a victory in Joplin Thursday night. The seventh grade B team took out Joplin North in two sets 25-18, 25-14. The A team dominated their first set, winning 25-11, but struggled in the second set, just holding on for a 25-20 win...
Lady Tigers sneak by El Dorado Springs in exciting home match (High School Sports ~ 10/03/08)
The Nevada Lady Tigers volleyball team pulled out an exciting win over the El Dorado Springs Lady Bulldogs Thursday night. In set one, the Lady Tigers got off to a rocky start, allowing El Dorado Springs to mount an early 3-0 run to start the night. After another 3-0 run put Nevada down 6-1, the two teams traded a few points and the Bulldogs were able to pull out to a 12-6 lead... -
No Pain, No Gain
(Column ~ 10/03/08)
It is early Monday morning, the 29th of September, as I write this column. I watched the news and business channels for some time this morning. All of them think there will be some form of a "bailout" for the financial, banking, and Wall Street institutions. What an utter mess, and what a totally unnecessary mess at that...
Roundtree shares film experiences; Choice of Weapons Award presented tonight
(Local News ~ 10/03/08)
Local residents filled the Gordon Parks Center at Fort Scott Community College Friday afternoon to hear the star of one of Park's most well known projects reminisce about his experiences both in film and with the local legend. Richard Roundtree, well known for his starring role in Park's 1971 film "Shaft," made an appearance at the center to field questions about his life and how it was affected by Parks just before a special screening of the film...