Lucille Margaret Swearingen
(Births ~ 11/07/08)
Joseph and Sarah Swearingen, of Nevada, and siblings Owen and Clara, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter and baby sister, Lucille Margaret Swearingen. Lucille was born at 7 p.m., on Nov. 2, 2008, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. She weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce, and measured 20 1/2 inches...
Harold Gray
(Obituary ~ 11/07/08)
Harold Gray, of Washington, D.C., died on Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2008. Services will be held at Palisades Community Church, 5200 Cathedral Ave., northwest, Washington, D.C., 20016, on Sunday Nov. 9, at 3 p.m. Interment will be in Columbia Gardens Cemetery, on Monday Nov. 10, at 11 a.m. In lieu of flowers, friends may donate to the church, Meals on Wheels, Potomac River Jazz Club, or The Association of Oldest Inhabitants...
Sheriff's Report Nov. 4
(Police/Fire Report ~ 11/07/08)
Nov. 4 There were reports of cows out in the Deerfield area, trespassing in the Schell City area, two traffic hazards in the Deerfield area, a request for assistance, a traffic hazard in the Nevada area, an accident in the Dederick area, a road blocked in the Nevada area, a controlled burn in the Deerfield area, an abandoned vehicle in the Sheldon area, speeding in the Deerfield area, a speeding in the Sheldon area, and loud music in the Nevada area...
Police Report Oct. 31
(Police/Fire Report ~ 11/07/08)
Oct 30 An accident occurred at 2:08 p.m., on Austin and Osage, involving a car driven by Benjamin J. Janes, of El Dorado Springs, Mo., and a car driven by Ronda M. Wyatt, of Foster, Mo. Janes was listed with probable, but not apparent injuries.
Dog pile
(Column ~ 11/07/08)
The World Series was sort of anticlimactic for many sports viewers this year. One great thing, was the "dog pile" of Philly players after they won the game. Seeing these grown, albeit still young men jumping on each other in a fantastic "dog pile," brought back many memories for me...
Holiday shopping season begins today with downtown open house event
(Local News ~ 11/07/08)
The holidays are coming, and downtown merchants are ready. The halls are decked. The lights have been checked an repaired, and tonight, from 6 to 8:30, and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., merchants will welcome the community and the holiday season with a special open house event...
Keeping the lights on in Korea (Local News ~ 11/07/08)
When Bob Hutchison, of Walker, Mo., was inducted into the Armed Services in 1954, he had never flown on an airplane, ridden a big bus, rode on a train, ridden on an escalator, or even seen a big ship. His safe, secure life as a lad on a Midwest farm was about to change... -
Jail construction continues (Local News ~ 11/07/08)
Rich Hill Tigers fall to Adrian in delayed Regional playoff game
(High School Sports ~ 11/07/08)
After weather delayed the second half for nearly 24 hours, the Rich Hill Tigers and the Adrian Blackhawks were finally able to resume their Regional playoff contest Thursday night. The Tigers took the opening kick and after a short return by Rusty Thomas, started their first drive on their own 24. The Adrian defense seemed much more lax to start the drive, but were able to come up with a strong stop near their own red zone and took over on downs at the 28...
Fund-raising event set for Thursday
(Local News ~ 11/07/08)
The arrival of November brings chillier temperatures, and also an opportunity for area residents to come in from the cold and warm up during the Fort Scott Kiwanis Pioneers Club's annual chili feed. This year's event is scheduled to take place from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Thursday, at the Scottish Rite Temple, 110 S. Main St. All proceeds from the event will benefit the Pioneer Kiwanis Club, an organization that has served the community and worked to assist area children since 1988...