Alivia Rose Colbert
(Births ~ 02/03/09)
Elizabeth and Gary Colbert, of Sheldon, and big sister Kimberleigh, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter and baby sister, Alivia Rose Colbert. Alivia was born at 1:27 p.m., on Jan. 26, 2009, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. She weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces, and measured 20 1/2 inches...
Sheriff's Report Jan. 27 and 31
(Police/Fire Report ~ 02/03/09)
Jan. 27 There was reports of an alarm in the Nevada area, an ID theft in the Milo area, a vehicle accident in the Rich Hill area, a railroad crossing malfunction in the Milo area, a controlled burn in the Milo area, a scam in the Walker area, a vehicle accident in the Horton area, and a check well being in the Sheldon area...
Vincent Harding Maring
(Obituary ~ 02/03/09)
Vincent Harding Maring, age 88, died in his sleep with a family member at his side on Friday, Jan. 30, 2009, at Nevada Regional Medical Center following a brief illness. He was born Jan. 18, 1921, in Nevada, the son of Tommy Maring and Verda Ruth Myers. He was reared by Elmer Guy Ater and Verda, both of Nevada. Vince married Christabel Lou Huston on April 9, 1948, and she survives of Nevada...
Nettie Ruth Culbertson
(Obituary ~ 02/03/09)
Nettie Ruth Culbertson, 81, of Fort Scott, Kan., passed away Friday, Jan. 30, 2009. She was born May 3, 1927, in Nevada, the daughter of Webb and Laura (Turner) Cartwright. Nettie married Ben Culbertson on Nov. 14, 1959, in Miami, Okla. Her primary joy in life was spending time with her family and grandchildren. She also enjoyed reading and sewing, but her favorite place was in the garden...
Hazel Fern Ewing
(Obituary ~ 02/03/09)
Hazel Fern Ewing, 93, Webb City, Mo., formerly of Richards, Mo., passed away on Monday, Feb. 2, 2009, at Webb City Health and Rehab Center in Webb City, Mo., following a brief illness. She was born Oct. 1, 1915, in Cleveland, Mo., to Theophlus Henry MacDaniel and Georgia Cook MacDaniel. She married Vern Ewing in 1942 in Vernon County, Mo., and he preceded her in death in 1972...
Florence Mary Lightner
(Obituary ~ 02/03/09)
Florence Mary Lightner, 87, Nevada, MO, passed away on Saturday, Jan. 31, 2009, at Nevada Regional Medical Center in Nevada following a brief illness. She was born Sept. 1, 1921, in Nevada, to James Franklin Carroll and Florence Daily Carroll. She married Eldon Lightner in 1945 and he preceded her in death in 1991...
Advanced Vegetable Production Workshop set for Rich Hill, Feb. 19
(Local News ~ 02/03/09)
University of Missouri Extension is conducting workshops on vegetable production that focus on the needs of commercial growers and produce auction growers. The Rich Hill workshop will be held Feb. 19 at the Christian Church, 300 E. Walnut, Rich Hill, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and includes lunch. There is a $5 fee that is payable at the door. It is open to all producers. Please call in reservations to (417) 448-2560 by Feb.13...
Local Hab Center off the state budget chopping block -- for now
(Local News ~ 02/03/09)
As state legislators wrestle with a wide array of budgeting issues, State Representative Barney J. Fisher had some good news -- as things stood in Jefferson City on Monday, Nevada Habilitation Center Benton Hall is not slated for closure. Concern had surfaced about a possible closing but no such closing is currently called for...
Infrastructure committee puts Tucker Street back on list (Local News ~ 02/03/09)
"We told them it was going to happen for the last two years. I'll make the motion to do Tucker," John Haggans, infrastructure committee member said during their meeting Jan. 26. "I'll second it," Leonard Ernsbarger said. In 2007, the city's infrastructure committee promised the residents on the one-block section of Tucker St. running along the east side of the Nevada Regional Technical Center that they would rebuild the dead end street as one of the 2008 street sales tax projects... -
Prairie Pride closes equity drive (Local News ~ 02/03/09)
Prairie Pride Inc. held a meeting Tuesday, Jan. 27, at the Cherry Street Grill in Nevada to present an overview of the company, its facility, operation and financial situation to current members and prospective investors and offer a final opportunity purchase equity in the company which would provide the $10 million needed to operate the plant at full capacity... -
Where's the problem?
(Letter to the Editor ~ 02/03/09)
Dear Editor, It's a shame that a new business coming to Nevada who could just as easily located in Fort Scott, Butler, or El Dorado Springs gets so much grief just because it has decided to choose Nevada because of the services that they have to offer...
Thank you everyone
(Letter to the Editor ~ 02/03/09)
Dear friends, Thank you all so much for your thoughtfulness for the past several months. Your kind words and gifts at my retirement were unexpected and appreciated very much. Two weeks ago when my husband Rudy passed away your calls, beautiful flowers, food and many cards were very special to me. ...
What is $1 trillion?
(Letter to the Editor ~ 02/03/09)
Dear Editor, What is and how much is $1 trillion? Say I began a large ranching operation at the time of the birth of Christ (Year 0) and due to inept management I managed to lose one $1 million a day until yesterday. For the purposes of discussion and we will forget Leap Years or that old Roman emperor's manipulation of the calendar, at that rate of daily loss of my money it would take approximately 732 more years from now of such daily losses for me to lose $1 trillion...