Margaret Yvonne Scott
(Obituary ~ 03/06/09)
Margaret Yvonne Scott, 81, Nevada, passed away on Thursday, March 5, 2009, at Barone Alzheimer's Care Center in Nevada following a lengthy illness. She was born on Sept. 2, 1927, in Nevada, to Asahel Owen Church and Florence E. Roberts Church. She married Ray Leon Scott on Feb. 13, 1946, in Fort Scott, and he preceded her in death on March 29, 1995...
Sheriff's Report March 4
(Police/Fire Report ~ 03/06/09)
March 4 There were reports of an assault in the Rich Hill area, an animal in the Nevada area, rape in the Sheldon area, harassment in the Nevada area, threats in the Nevada area, grass fire in the Bronaugh area, a grass fire in the Nevada area, a threats in the Nevada area, threats in the Nevada area, an animal in the Nevada area, a civil matter in the Nevada area, a jail incident in the Nevada area, a refusal to leave in the Nevada area, a theft in the Nevada area, a stranded motorist in the Nevada area, and suspicious activity in the Montevallo area.. ...
Nevada R-5 School board candidate forum set for March 25
(Local News ~ 03/06/09)
The April election is just around the corner, and the Nevada R-5 CTA is sponsoring a "Meet and Greet" the Nevada R-5 School Board Candidates on Wednesday, March 25, at 6 p.m., in the Nevada High School commons. Candidates for this year are as follows: Chris Ellis, Mike McCaffree, Tim Moore, Travis Ellis, and Andy Remington...
'Turn Around, Don't Drown!' program aims to save lives
(Local News ~ 03/06/09)
The "Turn Around, Don't Drown" is a public awareness campaign designed to increase both driver and citizen awareness of flooding dangers. Scheduled for March 16-20, it is hoped the campaign will influence how citizens approach flooding in Missouri. During the March 2008 floods, many drivers misjudged flooded roads, and citizens delayed evacuating from their homes. ...
Public hearing on KCP&L rates scheduled
(Local News ~ 03/06/09)
The Missouri Public Service Commission will hold a local public hearing in Nevada on March 11 to receive customer comment on electric rate cases filed by Kansas City Power & Light Company and KCP&L Greater Missouri Operations Company (formerly Aquila, Inc.)...
Three Vernon County repaving projects to be paid for with stimulus
(Local News ~ 03/06/09)
Earlier this week, state transportation officials OK'd an additional 32 road paving projects to be funded with federal economic stimulus money -- some of which are slated in Vernon County. Amounts slated for road repaving contracts funded with federal stimulus dollars include: Route K, Vernon County, $125,000; Route W, Vernon County, $136,000; and Route BB, Vernon County, $282,000...
Truman PTO provides new equipment (Local News ~ 03/06/09)
Local motel gets a face lift (Local News ~ 03/06/09)
Why we love Vernon County sports... (Community Sports ~ 03/06/09)
Rich Hill boys and girls reach district championships
(High School Sports ~ 03/06/09)
The Rich Hill Tigers and Lady Tigers both kept their hopes alive for a district championship as they took down the Hume Hornets and Lady Hornets to earn their way into the Class 1, District 7 finals. In Wednesday night's girls' semifinal game, the obvious depth advantage that Rich Hill brought into the game took its toll and the Lady Tigers went on to take the game by a final score of 51-38...
Stories from Friday, March 6, 2009
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