Tickets May 9-28
(Police/Fire Report ~ 06/09/10)
May 9 Monica James, Nevada, no dog tag. May 20 Justin M. Carter, Nevada, petty theft. May 23 Kimberly Ann Robertson, Bronaugh, speeding 40/30. May 25 Christopher J. Betts, Schell City, no proof of insurance and following too close. Linda K. Bound, Nevada, depositing excrement in an unsanitary manner...
Sheriff's Report May 27-June 4
(Police/Fire Report ~ 06/09/10)
May 27 Kelly Reynolds was arrested on charges of passing bad checks less than $500. She was released on her own recognizance. Jail population: 64 May 29 Thomas Peacock was arrested on charges of probation violation. He is being held in lieu of a $5,000 bond...
Health care reform, part 3
(Column ~ 06/09/10)
The Affordable Care Act was passed by Congress and signed by President Obama in March, even with the polls showing that most people were against the legislation. Many of the law makers were not aware of what the act contained, even when voting for it...
MoDOT says no to campaign signs on any highway right-of-way
(Local News ~ 06/09/10)
Political candidates and campaign officials need to know -- campaign signs are not allowed on the highway right-of-way. It is illegal to place private signs on state right of way, MoDOT representatives said. The signs can obstruct the vision of drivers as well as distract them. Campaign signs can interfere with routine maintenance activity, the department said, noting that this is a busy mowing season for maintenance crews...
Child identification program to be available during Bushwhacker Days
(Local News ~ 06/09/10)
On Saturday, June 12, parents will have the opportunity to create a free child identification kit through a program from the local Masonic Lodge, the Osage Lodge, at 221 West Walnut, Nevada, Mo., from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. A press release from area Masons notes that no parent wants to believe that the unimaginable could happen to them, though nearly 2,000 children are reported missing or abducted in the United States each day...
Fireworks fund drive succeeds
(Local News ~ 06/09/10)
Phyllis Sprenkle, who is heading the Nevada fireworks committee, had some good news Monday, the fireworks display will definitely take place July 2. "We have collected enough money and pledges to say for sure that we will have the fireworks display," Sprenkle said. "It is thanks to the generosity of the community that we have been able to accomplish this."...
Whale of a tale: Vacation Bible School takes its theme to great proportions (Local News ~ 06/09/10)
There's a whale behind the church, a tree house in front, off to one side a boat and some fishing equipment are "for sail" and one corner of the building looks like Mt. Sinai. You might wonder what was going on if it weren't for the big sign out front telling everyone it's time for the Rinehart Christian Church's Vacation Bible School, 5:30-8 p.m., today through Friday, and Sunday... -
Ready to go (Local News ~ 06/09/10)
Are you a grandparent raising grandchildren?
(Local News ~ 06/09/10)
For our next issue of Ageless magazine, for active adults age 50 and older, we'd like to feature local families in which the grandparent is the primary caregiver for grandchildren; the joys of this special opportunity, and your tips on bridging the generation gap. ...