Red Sox drop tough extra-inning battle at home (Outdoors ~ 07/01/10)
By Eric Wade Nevada Daily Mail As nearly every current of former baseball player or coach will say, unearned runs can be a lot of things, but are always the one thing to be avoided. The Nevada Red Sox AAA squad learned that lesson all too well Thursday night as they fell to Carl Junction in extra innings... -
Nevada High School celebrates Wall of Fame induction
(High School Sports ~ 07/01/10)
By Eric Wade Nevada Daily Mail According to many, the 1975 Nevada Tigers football team was one of the best the school has ever seen. A 12-1 record and second place finish in the Missouri State Championship that was only bested one time in school history when the Tigers won the title in the 1966 season are just a couple of the things head coach Shane Cavanah's team accomplished...
Nevada Neptunes start off strong (Outdoors ~ 07/01/10)
Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada Neptunes season is off to a good start after three meets. A total of 32 swimmers competed in the Branson Waves Invitational June 5. The Neptunes placed seventh out of the 12 teams at that meet. In the second meet of the year, two Neptunes team records were broken. Mikayla Mohrmann broke the team record in the 8-and-under IM. Nathan Johnson and Sophia Wehrmann placed second overall in their age categories and Jesse Claypool placed third... -
Hospital board discusses concerns about OR climate control
(Local News ~ 07/01/10)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Dr. Scott Beard raised concerns over the air-conditioning in the operating rooms Tuesday during the regular meeting of the Nevada Regional Medical Center board of directors. "The humidity got so bad we couldn't operate in there," Beard said. "I couldn't legally operate."...
Police to crack down on impaired drivers during Fourth of July weekend
(Local News ~ 07/01/10)
Nevada Daily Mail Enforcement efforts aimed at reducing deaths and serious injuries caused by impaired drivers will be increased July 2-5. The Nevada Police Department received a grant from the Missouri Department of Transportation's Highway Safety Division for participation in the "You Drink and Drive, You Lose" campaign to stop people from driving impaired over the Fourth of July holiday weekend...
Felines, friendship highlight youth fair cat show (Local News ~ 07/01/10)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Three cats were the stars of the show at the Vernon County Youth Fair Cat show Thursday evening, held in the home economics building at the Vernon County fairgrounds. The owners of the cats, Alexis Brown, 16, Bronaugh 4-H; Erin Reedy 14, Bronaugh 4-H; and Katherine Pruitt, 10, Milo-Oakdale 4-H, each brought a cat they had owned for some time to the show... -
MoDOT explains bridge payment snafu (Local News ~ 07/01/10)
By Rusty Murry Nevada Daily Mail Vernon County Commissioners met representatives of the Missouri Department of Transportation in the commission chambers on Wednesday, June 30 to discuss overpayment and reimbursement of bridge construction funds and other issues... -
Fireworks stand benefits band (Local News ~ 07/01/10)
Loren Edwards searches for the biggest bang for the buck at Jakes Fireworks, operated by Nevada High School Band Boosters. Jakes Fireworks splits the proceeds with the band, as a fundraiser for band trips.