Frankie May Woody
(Obituary ~ 08/17/10)
Frankie May Woody, 90, Lamar, passed away Friday, Aug. 13, 2010, at Barton County Memorial Hospital. Frankie was born July 11, 1920, in Milo, Mo., to Frank and May (Slates) Carter. On Dec. 30, 1936, in Nevada, she married Lue Hobert Woody and they had celebrated 32 years together before his death on Feb. 24, 1969. She was also preceded in death by her parents and two sisters, Mary Schuholm and June Rhine...
Tickets July 28-August 8
(Police/Fire Report ~ 08/17/10)
July 28 Dennis C. Hignutt, Nevada, speeding 42/30. July 29 Dalton A. Wessley, Nevada, driving while suspended. July 30 David G. Marez, Fort Scott, no proof of insurance, careless and imprudent driving. August 3 Herschel R. Harris, Siloam Springs, Ark., following too close...
Council sets property tax, library tax levy
(Local News ~ 08/17/10)
The Nevada City Council held a public hearing and voted 5-0 during a special council meeting Monday night pass on first reading a special ordinance increasing the city's 2010 property tax levy to 67.78 cents per $100 assessed valuation from the current 67.36 cents. The library tax will remain at 20 cents per $100 assessed valuation. Both tax rates are the maximum rates set by the Missouri State Auditors office...
Sheldon alderman hear water update, press park board for key
(Local News ~ 08/17/10)
In an update on another ongoing issue, Gene Spears, Algieier, Martin, and Associates gave the Sheldon Board of Aldermen a report on the water system, during a regular meeting Thursday night. The main problem, Spears indicated, involved the fact many of the lines ended in dead ends instead of looping the line back to the source...
Liberal corn producer attends national leadership academy (Local News ~ 08/17/10)
Taking time out of the field during a busy harvest, local farmer and Missouri Corn board member Kyle Kirby of Liberal, Mo., joined corn producers from around the country in Greensboro, N.C., last week for the National Corn Growers Association's 2010-2011 National Leadership Academy... -
Vernon County Arts Council exhibit begins (Community News ~ 08/17/10)
A variety of works of art created by members of the Vernon County Arts Council is now on display in the PEO Foundation Gallery, located inside the Haidee and Allen Wild Center for the Arts at Cottey College, at the corner of Tower and Cherry Streets, Nevada. ... -
Topsy-turvy (Local News ~ 08/17/10)
Colton Harrold, 12, of Kingman, Kan., gets off of his steer the hard way during the steer riding event instruction portion of this year's Rodeo Bible Camp. The second annual camp was held at the Vernon County fairgrounds on Aug. 11-14 and was attended by more than 60 kids from five states... -
History comes to life at Poplar Heights living history farm grand opening (Local News ~ 08/17/10)
Enough is enough
(Letter to the Editor ~ 08/17/10)
Dear Editor: For months and months the city of Nevada has been under fire by little red tags appearing in yards citing city ordinances from the grass being too tall, to yard waste, trash, furniture, etc. Now they say they have the right to remove building materials from your yard...