NHS tennis team on a hot streak
(High School Sports ~ 09/08/11)
BY JASON PEAKE Daily-Mail Sports Editor After two early-season losses, the Nevada High School girls tennis team has rebounded nicely. In fact, the Tigers have now won three-straight matches. Nevada handled Carthage 7-2 on Tuesday to keep its winning streak going...
Nevada volleyball falls short at East Newton
(High School Sports ~ 09/08/11)
Nevada Daily-Mail GRANBY-- Unfortunately for the Nevada High School volleyball team, a close match went the other way. East Newton defeated Nevada 27-25, 27-25 on Tuesday night. Nevada Coach Ashley Thoreson said her team had its chances to pull out a win...
NHS FOOTBALL: Tigers look to bounce back (High School Sports ~ 09/08/11)
BY JASON PEAKE Daily-Mail Sports Editor Simply put, it's time to regroup for the Nevada High School football team. Coming off a disappointing 40-0 loss to Seneca, the Tigers will look to bounce back this week with a road game at East Newton on Friday night. Kick-off is set for 7 p.m. in Granby... -
Patricia Ann Sutliff
(Obituary ~ 09/08/11)
Patricia Ann Sutliff, 70, Nevada, passed away on Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2011, at Barone Care Center in Nevada. She is survived locally by her daughter and son-in-law Kelly and Chris McLemore of Nevada. A memorial service will be held at a later date in Owasso, Mich...
Ruby T. Parrish (Obituary ~ 09/08/11)
Ruby T. Parrish, 97, passed away on Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2011, at Truman Healthcare and Rehab in Lamar, Mo. She was born April 14, 1914, in Vernon County to Carl Fredrick Meyer and Louisa Gross Meyer. She married Darrell Monroe Parrish on July 4, 1940, in Jefferson City, Mo. He preceded her in death on Jan. 29, 1952... -
Ethan Jack-Thomas Smith (Births ~ 09/08/11)
Eric and Bouaphanh (Boo) Smith of Kansas City, Kan., and big brother Evan Smith are proud to announce the birth of their son and baby brother, Ethan Jack-Thomas Smith. Ethan was born at 6:14 a.m., Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2011, at Overland Park Regional Hospital. He weighed 5 pounds, 11 ounces, and measured 18 and 1/4 inches... -
Redburn named parks director
(Local News ~ 09/08/11)
Finding out what the community wants and needs from the city's parks and recreation department will be a priority when Dana Redburn takes the helm as Nevada's new parks and recreation director in October. The department has been without a permanent director since August 2010, and the city has been actively searching for a director since Ryan Renwick resigned as interim parks and recreation director earlier this year...
Mental health care provider: September is recovery month
(Local News ~ 09/08/11)
September is National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. Designated by the United States government, Drug Recovery Month aims to recognize and promote both the benefits and the issues associated with recovery. Communities across the nation commemorate Drug Recovery Month with a variety of events and activities to increase awareness about recovery and how it not only affects those addicted and recovering from substance abuse, but how it affects their families and friends...
Black powder shooters loading up for Nevada
(Local News ~ 09/08/11)
The Missouri Osage Territory Muzzleloaders will have a two-day match shooting competition and "rendezvous" camp-out this weekend in Marmaduke Park. And on Friday morning they will again be holding an outdoor classroom for Nevada fourth grade students...
Preschool Story Time resumes Friday
(Local News ~ 09/08/11)
A popular event for some of the Nevada Public Library's youngest patrons is back again with the advent of a new school year. Preschool Story Time for children ages 3-5 begins Friday, at 10 a.m., when the youngsters can join the fun with stories, crafts, and snacks in the library meeting room. Those planning to attend should call (417) 448-2770 for a reservation as space is limited...
Mo-Kan Squares offer square dance lessons
(Local News ~ 09/08/11)
The Mo-Kan Square Dance Club will be conducting beginning square dance lessons to be held Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m., beginning Sept. 13, at the Franklin P. Norman City/County Community Center in Nevada, with instructor Jay Wright. The lessons are open to anyone age 9 or older.The first lesson is free, and new students will be accepted through the Sept. 27 session...
NFD to host 9/11 remembrance
(Local News ~ 09/08/11)
The Nevada Fire Department will be honoring the first responders lost on Sept. 11, 2001, with a ceremony held at Claude C. Earp Park next to the fire station. The ceremony will begin at 8:55 a.m., Sunday, Sept. 11, 2011. The ceremony will begin with a moment of silence followed by the ringing of a bell. The ceremony will conclude with the reading of the names of the 343 Fire Department of New York firefighters killed during the collapse of the World Trade Centers...
FSA loans available for qualifying producers
(Local News ~ 09/08/11)
The Farm Service Agency loan programs are designed to help producers who are temporarily unable to obtain private or commercial credit. In many cases, applicants are beginning farmers who have insufficient net worth to qualify for financing through a commercial lender. ...
Future cheerleaders: Tomorrow's spirit today (Local News ~ 09/08/11)
On Saturday, Aug. 27, the Nevada High School cheerleaders conducted the 28th annual Future Cheer Clinic. At the clinic the young girls were given the chance to play games, eat pizza and spend some time with their role models. Many of the young girls were very talented and presented impressive ability they could put to use as Nevada R-5 cheerleaders in the future, advisers said. ...