Cato tour offers glimpse of life in the 1880s
(Local News ~ 10/20/12)
CATO, Kan.-- Organizers of the upcoming Cato Tour plan to take visitors back to the mid-1800s through music, history and re-enactments. Set for Oct. 26-27 in the small Crawford County town, the event is organized by the nonprofit Cato Historical Preservation Association. ...
Susie Leona "Micki" Vandenburg
(Obituary ~ 10/20/12)
Susie Leona "Micki" Vandenburg, 82, Nevada, passed away on Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012, at Webb City Nursing and Rehabilitation, Webb City, Mo. She was born July 10, 1930, in Chanute, Kan., to John Robert Stone and Susie Gertrude Meighen Stone. She married Glen Vandenburg Sr. on Feb. 14, 1955, in Nevada, and he preceded her in death on Oct. 22, 1988...
Max Bradbury - Ronda Siebels (Engagement ~ 10/20/12)
Max Bradbury and Ronda Siebels announce their engagement and plans to be married Nov. 10, 2012, at First Christian Church in Independence, Kan. Bride-elect Siebels is the daughter of Ron and Valerie Songer of rural Caney, Kan. Prospective groom Bradbury is the son of Max and Betty Bradbury, Fulton, Kan., and the grandson of Bob and Violet Hull, Fort Scott, Kan... -
A passion for quilting (Local News ~ 10/20/12)
Janice Almquist didn't expect to win anything when she entered her quilt in the Little Balkans quilt show in Pittsburg, Kan. Although she's been quilting since 2005, it was the first judged event she'd entered, and she was "really excited" to learn she'd won the judge's choice award for her colorful entry... -
Taxidermy business booms as hunting seasons progress (Sports Column ~ 10/20/12)
With the firearms deer season opening in less than a month and hunting in general going strong, taxidermists across the area are preparing for big business. One taxidermist, who has been at it for 20 years, is ready for the onslaught of hunters that have success in the field and want to keep memories of that special trophy... -
Subcontractor reimburses county
(Local News ~ 10/20/12)
FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- K&W Underground Inc., a contractor for Verizon Wireless, swiftly made good on its promise to reimburse the county for $37,125 for damages incurred while they were installing conduit without a permit along Poplar Road between 205th and 235th streets. The reimbursement from K&W was to replace gravel on the road and windrows along that stretch...
Absentee voting augurs well for Vernon County's turnout
(Local News ~ 10/20/12)
Get ready for an exuberant demonstration of grassroots government in action because Vernon County is apparently poised for a whopping Election Day turnout. Months on end of multimedia local, regional, statewide and national politicking promise a Nov. 6 crescendo like the finale of a Fourth of July fireworks show with local races, state senate and congressional contests, the rock 'em, sock 'em Akin-McCaskill U.S. Senate race and the high profile presidential showdown...
Several Halloween events planned in El Dorado Springs
(Local News ~ 10/20/12)
Several events on the last Tuesday or Wednesday of October in El Dorado Springs promise to scare, amuse, mystify -- or all of the above. The Wayside Inn Museum will offer "Candlelight Tours and Ghost Stories" from 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 30. Refreshments will be available in the museum dining room during the same hours, a news release said...
Nevada Tigers maul Stockton, 52-14, on Senior Night (High School Sports ~ 10/20/12)
By Eric Wade Herald-Tribune Senior Night is always a time for mixed emotions in any sport. It's a time when not only do some athletes have to watch their careers come to an end, but the rest of the team has to say goodbye to what can often be the most valuable players on the roster... -
Scare time again!
(Column ~ 10/20/12)
Hi neighbors. As Halloween approaches I reminisce about scary stories of my own past. Now these stories may not conjure up images from Hollywood movies, but they seemed pretty intimidating while living through them. As a child I was always afraid of the dark. ...
Grandson of local couple kicks 67-yard field goal
(High School Sports ~ 10/20/12)
By Eric Wade Herald-Tribune The grandson of a local man has made himself and Central Valley High School in Spokane, Wash., an overnight sensation. Austin Rehkow is the grandson of Nevada residents Fred and Shirley Rehkow who seems to be a natural-born athlete. He spent his first several years of athletic endeavors playing soccer, but his attention turned to football his freshman year at Central Valley at the urging of his parents, Kim and Freddy Rehkow Jr...