History retold
(Column ~ 02/14/13)
When I was very young I loved the Shirley Temple movies. I think we were about the same age, and each of her movies became real to me. I have purchased several of her tapes and have been pleased to see that my great grandchildren enjoy her movies as much as I did many decades ago...
After eating he would say 'That was good'
(Column ~ 02/14/13)
Recently two readers of my personal columns asked me about my columns. I just flat-out haven't gotten them written. This column is somewhat different than most of the columns I have written. I have never dedicated any of my columns in the past, but I am dedicating this one to the late Del Potter...
Alcohol sales in Nevada
(Letter to the Editor ~ 02/14/13)
Dear Editor Has anyone noticed the continued increase of permits to sell alcohol in Nevada? I began noticing it a while back, when people would ask the city council to change the city code to permit additional sales of alcoholic beverages, even though we had already met Nevada's...
VCAD is ready for any emergency
(Local News ~ 02/14/13)
"We're the fourth largest county in the state in square miles, so we cover a lot of distance." That's how Vernon County Ambulance District Director James McKenzie summed up the task that he and his staff embrace each day. At the time the district was formed, "We didn't tie in with the city or the hospital," said McKenzie, a decision he hailed as key to the service's stability. "Often EMS is low on the priority list," relative to funding, he noted...
Icy road leads to morning accident (Local News ~ 02/14/13)
R-5 board tours welding classroom (Local News ~ 02/14/13)
NHS Show Choir Classic Saturday
(Local News ~ 02/14/13)
Nevada Daily Mail Nevada High School's 23rd Annual Show Choir Classic is Feb. 16 at Nevada High School, with teams competing from 7:25 a.m. through 9:30 p.m. Teams competing include El Dorado Springs, Webb City, Harrisonville, Pleasant Hill, Smith-Cotten, Joplin, Warrensburg, Cole Camp, McDonald County, Neosho, Cassville, Carthage, Nevada, Lamar, Carrolton, East Newton, Mt. ...
Modest design on tap at golf course (Local News ~ 02/14/13)
We do not need a Taj Mahal, just something that is adequate for our needs. That was the consensus of the dozen golfers who attended a public meeting at the Frank E. Peters Municipal Golf Course last Friday to provide input to the architect hired by the city to design a new clubhouse for the course... -
Cupid's arrow reached Hawaii with a lasting effect (Local News ~ 02/14/13)
One never knows when Cupid's arrow will strike or how potent or lasting its effect will be. In the case of one Nevada couple, the arrow traveled from Zanesville, Ohio, across the Pacific Ocean and into the heart of an airman stationed in Hawaii. It all began when a friend of Ruth Elaine Kirkpatrick's sent her a picture from Hawaii. ...