Scottie Grace Cauthon (Births ~ 10/08/13)
Anthony and Jordan Cauthon, of Nevada, Mo., are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Scottie Grace Cauthon. Scottie was born at 9:29 a.m., Saturday, Oct. 5, 2013, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. She weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce, and measured 21 inches... -
Bridge closing in northwest quarter of county
(Local News ~ 10/08/13)
The Vernon County Commission's road and bridge crew has announced that they have closed the road and bridge on Vernon County Road 800 between Indian Lane and Halley Road in Lake Township, sections five and six. The bridge was closed at 8 a.m. on Monday and will remain closed until the construction of a new bridge is completed...
Local daycare providers get update on R-5 services (Local News ~ 10/08/13)
Daycare providers got an update on Nevada School System services and an in-depth look at Nevada and Missouri school guidelines during the Early Childhood Forum hosted at the Healthy Nevada conference room on the second floor of the Nevada Public Library... -
Feed your hunger for pancakes -- help a good cause (Local News ~ 10/08/13)
By Floyd Jernigan Nevada Daily Mail The Annual Lions Club Pancake Breakfast has been around a long time. So long that it's hard for even the longest tenured Lion in the club to recall just when it got started. "I have been in Lions for almost 30 years and the Pancake Breakfast has been going longer than I have been around," said Leonard Ernsbarger... -
Wanted man arrested in Richards (Local News ~ 10/08/13)
A man with outstanding arrest warrants is behind bars following an arrest. According to Vernon County Sheriff Jason Mosher, Dustin Jones, 40, of Nevada, was wanted on a no-bond felony warrant when he ran from sheriff's deputies last week. Mosher said deputies failed to catch him then but they had been searching for Jones ever since. Jones was arrested Friday after an undercover deputy contacted Jones about buying a truck Jones was trying to sell on the Internet... -
Suspect arrested after foot chase in Richards
(Local News ~ 10/08/13)
A suspect in a stolen property investigation with outstanding warrants was arrested in Richards Monday afternoon following a foot pursuit with members of the Vernon County Sheriff's Office. Vernon County Sheriff Jason Mosher said his office received information that Jonathan S. Howard, 26, was staying in Richards. The sheriff said Howard was standing in the back yard when they pulled up, but took off on foot and into some trees when he saw them...
Domestic Violence Month in Vernon County (Local News ~ 10/08/13)