John C. Ullmann Jr. (Obituary ~ 07/12/14)
John C. Ullmann Jr., a man who never knew a stranger, passed from this life Thursday, July 10, 2014, at St. Lukes Hospital, in Kansas City, Mo., following an illness of several months. He was born March 8, 1954, in Detroit, Mich., to John Charles Ullmann Sr. and Genevieve Mary Ullmann. He was united in marriage to Judy Lathrop on Aug. 1, 1987, in Branson, Mo., and she survives of the home... -
Nevada firefighters extinguish early morning flames
(Local News ~ 07/12/14)
Nevada Daily Mail A detached garage in the 300 block of West Sycamore Street caught fire about 4 a.m. Thursday. Nevada Fire Lieutenant Noah Weber reported Thursday that crews were called out to a residential structure fire, and found the garage to be fully engulfed. At the same location, a car was sitting in the street with its front end on fire...
Sheriff's pursuits top last year
(Local News ~ 07/12/14)
Nevada Daily Mail Vernon County Deputies have reached 19 pursuits as of Thursday, when two chases took place in the same day. Pursuits this year have bypassed 2013 numbers; last year, deputies were involved in a total of 17 chases. Sheriff Jason Mosher reported Friday that deputies were involved in a morning pursuit along Interstate 49 and a second pursuit that was terminated later in the day...
Sheldon school tax hearing on Aug. 13
(Local News ~ 07/12/14)
Nevada Daily Mail Sheldon Board of Education set the district's tax levy hearing for 7 p.m., Aug. 13, at its meeting Wednesday. In other business, Phyllis Sprenkle told the board members a committee had been formed to look into preserving the old school building...
Sirens sounding means caution not concern
(Local News ~ 07/12/14)
Nevada Daily Mail A loud, continuous blaring siren that gives a brief sinking feeling the world may be ending drowns out the noise of traffic and normal life during the noon hour. Don't worry, it's just a tornado siren test. With limited, short notice of the test, non-Midwesterners may wonder what the noise is all about...
MoDOT releases final list of sales tax projects
(Local News ~ 07/12/14)
Nevada Daily Mail The Missouri Department of Transportation has released the final list of area projects that would be completed if a proposed three-quarter cent sales tax increase passes in August. The list for Missouri's southwest region includes 219 projects in more than 20 nearby counties. Eight projects are specific to Vernon County, and 12 listed tasks would make improvements throughout the entire area...
Youth Fair continues tradition began in 1946 Chamber members told (Local News ~ 07/12/14)
Nevada Daily Mail The Vernon County Youth Fair was the focus of this month's Nevada Vernon County Chamber of Commerce luncheon. Friday's event took place amidst the various exhibits and displays showcasing the youth of FFA, 4-H and scouting. Chamber members got a chance to marvel at the intricate, innovative creations of the county's youth, from "Camping Twinkies" and the various food entries, to intricate sewing designs, colorful artwork, and various crafts, photography and woodwork projects...