Neptunes honored at postseason awards banquet
(Community Sports ~ 08/21/15)
The Nevada Neptunes celebrated a successful season in the pool at their annual postseason awards banquet, Sunday at First Baptist Church in Nevada. The evening's festivities included a slideshow and awards presentation, as well as the election of officers and board members...
Neptunes honored at postseason awards banquet (Community Sports ~ 08/21/15)
The Nevada Neptunes celebrated a successful season in the pool at their annual postseason awards banquet, Sunday at First Baptist Church in Nevada. The evening's festivities included a slideshow and awards presentation, as well as the election of officers and board members... -
Hinton has productive summer on ball diamond (High School Sports ~ 08/21/15)
Meet your 2015-16 Nevada Tiger cheerleaders (Community News ~ 08/21/15)
Revisiting the school water fountain
(Column ~ 08/21/15)
Many years ago I wrote a column about school water fountains. Since school began again this week for most districts in our area, my next couple of articles will have an education theme. Today's story revisits two important school water fountains. The first school water fountain that made an impression on me at a very young age was located in the Bryan grade school cafeteria. ...
Home -- enjoying 'The Sounds of Silence'
(Column ~ 08/21/15)
Last weekend we enjoyed a visit from our great-granddaughter Marilyn and her family. Avery, her daughter, is almost three now and a very happy little girl who likes to play games and visit with the "old folks." Dennis and Lester usually have something to discuss that they liked or didn't like about something on TV. And of course Sponge Bob was constantly entertaining us from that TV while we tried to talk...
Bronaugh School Board sets tax rate
(Local News ~ 08/21/15)
Nevada Daily Mail The Bronaugh School Board approved a tax rate of $3.527 per $100 of assessed evaluation. This tax rate is 6 cents less than last year's 3.5896 per $100. "It's that percentage based off of an assessed value $100," Superintendent David Copeland said...
Walker aldermen approves water repairs
(Local News ~ 08/21/15)
Nevada Daily Mail The Walker Board of Aldermen approved spending for upgrades on fire hydrants, water valves and water meters. Monday night, William Jeffery, Walker's water operator and city maintenance worker said the city needed to spend around $2,800 to fix a fire hydrant that no longer works on Marvin and Seventh Street...
LEPC to receive active shooter training
(Local News ~ 08/21/15)
Nevada Daily Mail With an active shooter drill to be held the first week of October at Nevada High School, the Local Emergency Planning Commission decided they also will participate in active shooter training from the Nevada Police Department at a future meeting...
Farmer's market considers move to fairgrounds in 2016
(Local News ~ 08/21/15)
Nevada Daily Mail After having begun with just a handful of vendors participating, the farmer's market in Nevada has grown so much over recent years that they are now searching for a new location that could host the vendors as well as buyers. The farmer's market committee met with the Vernon County Commission Wednesday afternoon to seek permission to use the fairgrounds for the 2016 season, constructing a pavilion to house the event in the more than an acre of land between the ball field and the highway.. ...
Sheldon looks for arsonist, reward offered (Local News ~ 08/21/15)
Nevada Daily Mail The Vernon County Sheriff's Office, fire marshall and investigator and the city of Sheldon request help in trying to find those responsible for four structure fires in less than a month, which have been deemed acts of arson. Sheldon fire chief Bill Jeffries said the fires so far have included vacant structures such as a funeral home, trailer house and one- and two-story homes within the Sheldon city limits. ... -
Elmer L. Munsterman
(Obituary ~ 08/21/15)
Elmer L. Munsterman, 76, Nevada, Mo., after a courageous battle with cancer and with his family present, passed away on Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2015 at Mercy Hospital in Joplin. A visitation and memorial service is planned for Saturday, Aug. 22, 2015 at Ferry Funeral Home, 301 S. Washington, Nevada, Mo., at 2 p.m. with Father Matthew Benjamin officiating...
Kennon R. Shaw Sr.
(Obituary ~ 08/21/15)
Kennon R. Shaw Sr., of Bronaugh, Mo., departed this life on Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2015 in Nevada, Mo. Kennon was born March 14, 1936 in Bronaugh, Mo., the son of Boyd Kennon and Wynona (Feller) Shaw. Kennon graduated from Bronaugh High School, Class of 1954. ...
Lincoln Thomas Belt
(Births ~ 08/21/15)
Rachel and Nathan Belt of Nevada welcome the arrival of Lincoln Thomas Belt, who was born July 25 at 10:09 a.m. at Nevada Regional Medical Center, Nevada, Mo. He weighed 8 pounds, 15 ounces and was 21 inches long. He was also greeted by his brother, Walker Bradley Belt...