Hospital: net loss but gain in cash (Local News ~ 06/26/17)
Reported gains in cash on hand provided positive news amid the negative financial numbers reported at Monday’s meeting of Nevada Regional Medical Center’s Finance Committee. For a number of months now, the scariest number in NRMC’s balance sheet has not been the monthly losses. Those losses have been high, stubbornly persistent and of real concern... -
4-H second annual fishing derby (Local News ~ 06/26/17)
Vernon County 4-H Sport Fishing held their annual fishing derby at Walton Lake Saturday morning. “We teach them there are other things to do than watch TV,” project leader Clayton Garwood said. The derby was open to any Vernon County 4-H member between the ages of 5-18, divided into junior and senior divisions... -
Daytime relay a success (Local News ~ 06/26/17)
Stories from Monday, June 26, 2017
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