Knox Mitchell Cauthon (Births ~ 06/22/18)
Anthony and Jordan Cauthon and Scottie Grace and Sawyer Kate are proud to announce the birth of their son and brother, Knox Mitchell Cauthon. Knox was born at 3:17 p.m., on June 18, at Mercy Hospital in Fort Scott. He weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces and measured 19.5 inches... -
James Lee (Jim) Guthrie
(Obituary ~ 06/22/18)
James Lee (Jim) Guthrie, 88, died Thursday, June 21, at his home in Nevada. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, June 26, at First Presbyterian Church in Nevada. The family will receive friends from 5-7 p.m. on Monday at Ferry Funeral Home in Nevada...
Passion Row
(Column ~ 06/22/18)
At the Trail Drive-In Theater during my adolescent years, the back row of that complex was called by many names, some of which are not suitable for printing within this story. For today’s column I will use the simple pseudonym Passion Row! Now that we are approaching the longest day of the year, we are in full summertime mode. ...
And it happened in Vernon County
(Column ~ 06/22/18)
Recently I had the experience of telling a newcomer to our town about some of the many good things going on in all of Vernon County. I realize that those who have always lived in a big city might easily overlook many of the gifts of Nevada and Vernon County...
Repairs at Schell-Osage cause concern
(Local News ~ 06/22/18)
Images of receding shorelines and dead fish at Schell Osage Conservation Area began circulating on social media earlier this week resulting in criticism of the Missouri Department of Conservation and drawing the attention of area media outlets — but was the event that led to the death of thousands of common and grass carp worth making a stink?...
Nevada High trio collects prestigious athlete of the year awards (High School Sports ~ 06/22/18)
JOPLIN, Mo. — A banner year for Nevada High School student-athletes was punctuated at the 2nd Annual Joplin Globe Athletes Banquet, held Tuesday at Missouri Southern State University. Nevada sophomore sensation Calli Beshore was named female cross country athlete of the year; senior Clay Gayman was tabbed male basketball athlete of the year; and freshman Ben Hines was awarded the male swimming athlete of the year...