Mickey Dean Mason
(Obituary ~ 03/28/23)
Mickey Dean Mason, 82, Nevada, Mo., died on Monday, March 27, 2023. Additional family and service information will be released by Ferry Funeral Home at a later time. View obituary and send condolences online at www.ferryfuneralhome.com.
Sheldon Community Betterment Committee hosts 'Meet the Candidates' forum Monday (Local News ~ 03/28/23)
The Sheldon Community Betterment Committee held a "Meet the Candidates" forum Monday evening at their monthly meeting. Committee member Phyllis Sprenkle listed off the candidates for the various boards and let those present speak on their behalf. It was noted that none of the Drywood Township candidates would be listed on the ballot due to a mishap in the filing, and each voter would have to write in the name of the candidates they chose. ... -
American Red Cross hosts local blood drive Monday (Local News ~ 03/28/23)
The American Red Cross held a blood drive at Cottey College's Haidee and Allen Wild Center for the Arts Building on Monday, March 27. During an interview, Team Lead/Blood Collector Eduardo Armirez revealed their goal was to collect 25 pints in the drive. ...