Bronaugh Aldermen approve bid for city services and discuss Fall Festival preparations in latest meeting (Local News ~ 09/13/23)
Mayor Lauren Meier convened the Bronaugh Board of Aldermen meeting on Monday evening. City Clerk Rauni Brown's absence resulted in the unavailability of last month's meeting minutes for reading and approval. During the session, Water and Sewer Operator Derek Brown presented the board with the sole bid for mowing/brush hogging, tree trimming, and cleanup services, submitted by Matt Layher for $375. ... -
Senior Food Box distribution event slated for Tuesday, Sept. 19
(Local News ~ 09/13/23)
September is Hunger Action Month — the Feeding America network’s annual national campaign designed to inspire people to take action and raise awareness in the United States. Food shouldn’t be an impossible choice. For many people, food isn’t a choice between certain foods. It’s a choice between food and other crucial needs such as medicine, electricity or childcare. It’s a choice more and more people are forced to make locally...
2023 Homecoming Queen candidates (Local News ~ 09/13/23)