Filling baskets to fill a need (Local News ~ 12/24/03)
Saturday morning, volunteers were busy at the National Guard Armory in Nevada, preparing Christmas baskets for the annual giveaway conducted by Community Outreach. The baskets, along with toys collected by the Vernon County Ambulance District board and employees, were distributed on Monday. ... -
Irene C. Pfeifer
(Obituary ~ 12/24/03)
Irene C. Pfeifer, 77, Hays, Kan., died Monday, Dec. 8, 2003, at Hays Medical Center. She was born Feb. 15, 1926, in Antonino, Kan., the daughter of Jacob and Pauline (Dechant) Haas. She married Albert J. Pfeifer on Aug. 23, 1948, in Hays. She was a homemaker, a member of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Hays and the Ellis Daughters of Isabella...
The way it was
(Column ~ 12/24/03)
100 Years Ago -- December 24, 1903 Business will be suspended tomorrow that the multitude many enjoy a day of rest and recreation. Almost without exception, the business houses of Nevada will be closed for the entire day. The banks will all be closed and the Post Office will be open only in the forenoon...
(Community Sports ~ 12/24/03)
Twilighters League (Dec. 22 at Capri Bowl) Standings win loss 1. Rock City Gals 46 22 2. First National Bank 43 25 3. Capri Bowl 42 26 4. Coonrods 41 27 5. Count On Us 37 31 6. Bud Light 33.5 34.5 7. Joplin Ford 32 36 8. Deem's 31.5 36.5 9. Nevada Truck Wash 21 47...
Leonard at large
(Column ~ 12/24/03)
As we approach Christmas, each of us have many thoughts about this event. This is a great time of the year. Still, for some people this can be a tough time, especially if they are alone. It is a time many people go into depression. Today, I am going to ramble with some of my thoughts, not going in any certain direction. ...
OATS offer transportation alternatives
(Community News ~ 12/24/03)
As we collectively approach the new year there is one fact that is staring us straight in the face. Time is marching on and there is little we can do about it. Sometimes, as people grow older they become increasingly isolated as families become spread out, friends and loved ones die and health concerns restrict movement. ...
Convoy honors fallen trucker (Local News ~ 12/24/03)
Funeral processions are not unusual on U.S. 71 Highway, many local citizens take their final trip on 71 Highway, on the way to cemeteries located throughout the county. Tuesday, however, there was a funeral procession that caught the eye of many travelers. The procession was headed by a line of semi's paying tribute to a life on the road... -
The 50-year dream becomes reality (Community News ~ 12/24/03)
n Trio's 4,000 mile trek across America of prayer and ministry passes through Nevada On Friday, Dec. 19, travellers on U.S. 54 Highway east of Nevada probably noticed three pedestrians with a dog heading east on the north shoulder. On my first sighting just outside of Nevada, I did little more than take notice of them, wondering if their car had broken down. ... -
Nevada graduate heads Baghdad investigative team (Community News ~ 12/24/03)
A 1977 graduate of Nevada High School is heading the U.S. Army's 1st Armored Division's intelligence section in Iraq. Lt. Col. Ken Devan is the division G2, intelligence officer, and he is using tools developed for civilian law enforcement to accomplish his task. The Associated Press ran a story on Devan and the techniques being used to roundup insurgents. His sister, Allison Ferry, of Nevada, said he described himself as the "eyes and ears of the division."...
Stories from Wednesday, December 24, 2003
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