(High School Sports ~ 05/28/04)
NHS grad to play in Grin Iron Classicsubmitted photo Mikel Gragg, a member of the Nevada High School 2003 football team will be participating in the third annual Sertoma Grin Iron Classic at 7:30 p.m., June 4 at JFK Stadium at Parkview High School in Springfield. ... -
Thunderstix place first in tourney (High School Sports ~ 05/28/04)
Ralph Pokorny/Daily Mail The Southwest Missouri Thunderstix, a 16 and under softball team from Seneca, placed first in the Heartbreaker Classic held May 14-16 at Baxter Springs, Kan. Winning the tournament qualified the Thunderstix for the USSSA Softball World Series that will be held in Aurora, Colo. ... -
Hanging of Memorial Day flags (Local News ~ 05/28/04)
Ralph Pokorny/DAily Mail Charlie Baertschi hangs flags through the Cottey College campus on Austin Boulevard Thursday night. Baertschi, Judy Knowles and Melissa Eaton, Baertschi's daughter, started their annual trek down Austin hanging flags about 10 p.m. with the intention of hanging as many of the 150 flags as they could in one night. The flags on Austin will remain up until about Nov. 11 when they will be taken down, cleaned, repaired and stored until next May...