Cottey students learning to fight voter apathy
(Local News ~ 06/18/04)
By Lynn A. Wade Nevada Daily Mail Coming soon -- election polls near you. The next election is Aug. 3, and across the nation, it's a safe bet that voter turnout will be low. Voter apathy is everywhere. It's non-partisan and afflicts both the old and young, male and female. But three students from Cottey College hope a national effort to get out the vote while honing the leadership skills of women will help them do away with some of that apathy...
Sharing our culture (Local News ~ 06/18/04)
Steve Moyer/Daily Mail A group of civic leaders from Thailand came to Nevada to observe the customs and costumes of the area. The group of 15 was selected from hundreds of applicants from 75 provinces by the Committee of the Community Development Department to come to the United States. Carol MacArthur, Mary Reinert, and Leslie Bartlett joined members of the visiting Thai delegation at a local farm. The group enjoyed a barbecue that included some traditional Thai dishes. Pictured with their hosts in no particular order are Nimit Ngamlamom, Khanittha Pinkrajay, Prachum Sueajai, Areerat Saidueng, Ratchaneeporn Kuparat, Pranom Chantarapakdee, Ratchaneevan Clumchuen, Muntana Sa-Nguanwongchai, Anek Seekiawsod, Chuchai Jansakao, Samart Puttha, Thongkum Jamsai, Maitree Saleewong, Wichien Wongwanrat, and Sasipa Tangkeerati. -
Step right up (Local News ~ 06/18/04)
Sue Miller, left, behind the booth, and her husband, Johnny, right, behind the booth, work as hosts at a game. In the game, players compete with one another by shooting a stream of water at the flowers, which causes monkeys on a pedestal to rise. The player whose monkey reaches the top first wins. The Millers own the carnival that's in town for Bushwhacker Days, Miller's Spectacular Shows... -
Agency improves capacity to provide meals for homebound
(Local News ~ 06/18/04)
Special to the Daily Mail The Nevada Senior Center, operated by District III Area Agency on Aging, continues to build and expand its home-delivered meal program, delivering hot, nutritious meals to homebound seniors living in and around Nevada. District III has received a $48,500 grant from the Altria Group, Inc. ...
Middle Age Plus
(Column ~ 06/18/04)
Misplaced Flowers I have a secret vice. I don't want everyone to know about this, but I think I can trust you all. Can't I? My vice is that I get much pleasure out of seeing certain "weeds" that are not considered plants we want to have around. I am not talking about something like poison ivy. I dislike that plant as much or more than anybody...
Guest Editorial
(Column ~ 06/18/04)
Outsource CEOs, not workers By Holly Sklar American companies are busily outsourcing workers when they should be insourcing CEOs from other countries. U.S. CEOs are way too expensive. U.S. CEOs make 23 times as much as CEOs in mainland China, 10 times as much as CEOs in India and nine times as much as CEOs in Taiwan, according to the latest Towers Perrin worldwide survey...
Letters to the editor
(Column ~ 06/18/04)
Thanks for your support Dear Editor: On behalf of the Nevada R-5 Foundation, the Scholarship committee would like to extend a sincere thank you to our generous community and patrons of the R-5 district. The class of 2004 recieved over $117,000 in local monies toward their future education. Some students selected by the committee and some were individually chosen by patrons or organizations...
Griffons beat Sluggers 7-6 (Community Sports ~ 06/18/04)
Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada Griffons triumphed over the Parkville Sluggers 7-6 Wednesday in non-Jayhawk League action for their fourth straight win in the last week, pushing their season record to 6-3. Bryan Rider, a left-handed pitcher from the University of Missouri-Columbia, earned the win and Hurston Pittman finished out the game with the save... -
Lamar hosting baseball tournament
(Community Sports ~ 06/18/04)
Nevada Daily Mail The Lamar Summer Recreational Association will be hosting baseball tournaments on two weekends in July. The week of July 12 there will be a tournament for 11 and under and 12 and under players and during the week of July 19 there will be tournament for nine and under and 10 and under players...
St. Louis set to welcome Olympic torch
(Other Sports ~ 06/18/04)
By Cheryl Wittenauer Associated Press ST. LOUIS -- A century since becoming the first American city to host the modern-era Olympic games, St. Louis once again is holding the flame. The torch, on its second stop of a four-city U.S. tour, was to be escorted by charter plane to St. Louis by Mayor Francis Slay, a day after the torch arrived in America and made its way through the Los Angeles area...
Man says he will give foul ball to boy
(Other Sports ~ 06/18/04)
By Matt Curry Associated Press The Texas baseball fan who prompted a public outcry when he knocked aside a 4-year-old to get a foul ball now says he will give the ball to the youngster. Matt Starr has also agreed to send a letter of apology to the family of Nick O'Brien and buy his family tickets to future Texas Rangers games, club official John Blake said Wednesday...