Great Race makes a pit stop in Fort Scott (Local News ~ 06/24/04)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Racers from all over the country came through Fort Scott Wednesday on the Great Race, a 20-year tradition with classic car enthusiasts. The race is not a speed contest but a rally competition where navigation and control is more important than how fast a car goes... -
Federal funds help county repair bridges (Local News ~ 06/24/04)
By Lynn A. Wade Nevada Daily Mail Vernon County has 252 inventoried bridges -- spans that are at least 20 feet long and are regularly inspected. "That's just the ones that are that size. There are probably as many again that are smaller," said Vernon County Southern Commissioner Bonnie McCord... -
Nevada Griffons, El Dorado Broncos again split doubleheader (Community Sports ~ 06/24/04)
By Ralph Pokorny Nevada Daily Mail Griffons fans who stayed until the final pitch of Wednesday nights double header with the El Dorado Broncos had a chance to watch the Griffons come from behind twice in the second game to beat the Broncos 6-5 in the bottom of the eighth inning of a scheduled seven inning ball game. The Griffons lost the first game to the Broncos 3-0... -
Middle Age Plus
(Column ~ 06/24/04)
Bird-brain really means something I have grown up hearing people use the expression "Bird Brain" when they were referring to someone with limited intelligence or who had made some sort of bad mistake or error. I have never really thought much about the phrase. ...
Stranger than Fiction
(Column ~ 06/24/04)
Florida wouldn't be the same without its gator stories It's the classic Florida news story. No, not the one last week about one 74-year-old man crashing his car into the Tampa International Airport and hitting another 74-year-old man in the process -- they both survived just fine, by the way...
Letters to the editor
(Column ~ 06/24/04)
The land of the free Dear editor: "I pledge my allegiance to the United States of America…" An American flag stands at the front of the church sanctuary. The flag reminds us of the greatness of our nation, of the rights and privileges we enjoy as citizens of America, and of the enormous debt we owe to our country. This week we will celebrate Independence Day. Fourth of July...
Today's Record/Obituaries
(Obituary ~ 06/24/04)
Obituaries are paid death notices that include information provided by funeral homes. Obituaries are published exactly as submitted to the Nevada Daily Mail. Shirley Arlene Novak Shirley Arlene Novak, 77, Nevada, died Tuesday, June 22, 2004 at 7:11 p.m. at Nevada Regional Medical Center...