Nevada to celebrate the Fourth of July with a bang (Local News ~ 07/02/04)
n Enjoy fireworks, but don't get burned -- discharge them safely, Fire chief says. By Ben Holman Nevada Daily Mail It is impossible to ignore the signs this time of year, Independence Day has arrived. Along with the holiday come all of the traditions; cookouts at the lake, American flags displayed proudly and, of course, fireworks. While fireworks are an ever-present part of American Independence Day celebrations, it is important to remember that fireworks can be dangerous... -
Commissioners review work on bridge barn (Local News ~ 07/02/04)
Commissioners review work on bridge barn The Vernon County commissioners viewed the newly-constructed bridge department barn on Wednesday. There was a problem with the alignment of the roof overhang which needed to be repaired. A-plus Metals & Fabrication constructed the steel building at a cost of $55,000... -
Caskey recalls tenure as senator
(Local News ~ 07/02/04)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Peppering his talk with jokes and humorous sayings, retiring state Senator Harold Caskey was greeted warmly by an enthusiastic crowd of Vernon County Democrats Thursday evening, at the Moore-Few Community Room. Caskey, a 28-year veteran of the Missouri Senate, can't run for another term because of term limits...
Gay marriage opponents turn in record number of signatures to get proposed ban on ballot
(Local News ~ 07/02/04)
By Brad Cain Associated Press SALEM, Ore. -- Opponents of same-sex marriage submitted a record-high number of signatures Wednesday to place a proposed constitutional amendment banning gay nuptials on the ballot. The 244,587 signatures amassed by the Defense of Marriage Coalition -- more than twice the necessary amount -- was the highest number of signatures ever submitted for an initiative measure in Oregon's history...