Leonard at Large
at Large
(Column ~ 07/29/04)
You do not have to vote For some time we have been anticipating the primary election. Now it is coming up fast and is to be held next Tuesday. It will be an interesting election. Following that. we will be anticipating the general election. Many are considering it as the most important election that has ever been held, because the outcome will determine the direction this country will go...
Letters to the editor
(Column ~ 07/29/04)
Vote 'yes' for school levy Dear Nevada R-5 patrons: The board of education would like to thank the patrons of Nevada for their continued support of our schools. We are so very fortunate to be able to offer our students a positive array of quality instructional educational programs. The Nevada R-5 School District is accredited with distinction for high achievement, which translates to academic performance that just 15 percent of the schools in the state of Missouri may claim...
Four candidates seek sheriff's office
(Local News ~ 07/29/04)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Larry DeLaney, Republican DeLaney notes that he has served as chief of police in two Vernon County communities, Walker and Sheldon, as well as holding a degree in education. He has been through many classes dealing with law enforcement...
Jacob touts Senate record in bid for lieutenant governor
(Local News ~ 07/29/04)
By Marc Powers Nevada Daily Mail JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- During his two years as the ranking Democrat in the Missouri Senate, Minority Floor Leader Ken Jacob has often been a one-man roadblock stopping legislation sought by the chamber's Republican majority...
Rawlings faces charges of assault on a police officer
(Local News ~ 07/29/04)
Nevada Daily Mail Terri Rawlings, 29, Nevada, was arrested by the Nevada Police Department on July 25 on the charges of assault on a law enforcement officer. The charges stem from an incident on May 31. According to Captain Gary Herstein, while at Nevada Regional Medical Center, Rawlings allegedly grabbed for an officer's gun...
Ten-year water line replacement project nears completion (Local News ~ 07/29/04)
Ten-year water line replacement project nears completion It's taken 10 years, but the city is almost finished. Replacing well lines that is. In 1994, the city began replacing the old cast iron well lines with new 8-inch plastic. A well line carries water being pumped by wells to the water treatment plant. ... -
Future Tigers get help from current players (Local News ~ 07/29/04)
By Joe Warren Nevada Daily Mail It appears that football camp is not just for those at the high school level, as dozens of area youth have turned out to participate in a camp of their own this week. The camp, which started on Monday and runs every day through Friday, is for future Nevada Tigers in grades three through eight... -
ATF issues terrorism warning to local black powder suppliers
(Local News ~ 07/29/04)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Be aware. That is what Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Director Carl Truscott is telling holders of Federal Firearms Licensees. His warning came in the form of a letter sent out to such license holders on July 7...
Cross-country traveler stops in Nevada (Local News ~ 07/29/04)
By Lynn A. Wade Nevada Daily Mail He's at it again -- or still. Cross Carrier Chuck passed through Nevada on his eighth tour of the U.S. -- you guessed it, carrying a cross. The message is obvious. Chuck Johnson simply wants to "remind people that they need God in their lives."... -
Water districts to ask voters to approve a consolidation
(Local News ~ 07/29/04)
Water districts to ask voters to approve a consolidation Nevada Daily Mail On Aug. 3, voters will be asked to approve a proposal for the consolidation of Public Water Supply District No. 5 of Vernon County and Consolidated Public Water Supply District No. 1 of Vernon County...
Kinder and Secrest are vying for the GOP nod
(Local News ~ 07/29/04)
By Marc Powers Nevada Daily Mail JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- Running a low-profile campaign against a well-funded and highly visible legislative leader, Patricia Secrest knows she faces an uphill battle to claim the Republican nomination as lieutenant governor in Tuesday's primary election...
Access now restored to horse arena
(Local News ~ 07/29/04)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Tracie Mays and the other parents who talked to the Vernon County Commission on Tuesday are happy that the commissioners reacted quickly to their request to make the arena more assessable to participants in the 4-H horsemanship program...
Hospital board reviews financial regulations, begins annual audit
(Local News ~ 07/29/04)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Board members of the Nevada Regional Medical Center watched an instructional video before their meeting reminding them of the liabilities and responsibilities they may have in regard to ensuring compliance with local, state and federal laws...
today's record
(Obituary ~ 07/29/04)
Births Kaylee Anne Smith Jody and Keri Smith, Carthage, are proud to announce the birth of their child, Kaylee Anne Smith. Kaylee was born at 5:29 p.m., on July 7, 2004, at Freeman hospital in Joplin. She weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces, and measured 20 inches. ...
Middle Age Plus
(Column ~ 07/29/04)
Try to picture the streets in your town as they were when you were a child. It is pretty easy isn't it? Those memories of the places where you rode bikes, roller skated or walked to school are etched in your memory. But return to those streets today after a new road or freeway has been installed and you will get lost. You get lost in your memories and can't find your way in the present...
Then and Now
(Column ~ 07/29/04)
Iraq War eerily evokes the Mexican War That "there's nothing new under the sun" has been expressed in dozens of different ways. Yet specific instances often come as a surprise. Happening on a book about the Mexican War of 1846-48 ("Gone for Soldiers," by Jeff Shaara, author of the more recent bestseller "Gods and Generals"), the present writer was struck by the many eerie parallels between that war and the recent one in Iraq...
The Way It Was
(Column ~ 07/29/04)
100 years ago: The bathing pool at Lake Park Springs is one of the purest and safest in this country. 75 years ago: A distressing accident at Sheldon Monday Shotgun thought not to have been loaded was discharged, causing Ed Odle to lose his left hand...
Griffons have date in Series, await opponent
(Other Sports ~ 07/29/04)
By Joe Warren Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada Griffons officially have a date in the National Baseball Congress World Series, but what they do not have yet is an opponent. The Griffons will play their opening game at 10 p.m. on Tuesday, at Lawrence-Dumont Stadium in Wichita, Kan...
Surprise, surprise, I'm not an expert
(Other Sports ~ 07/29/04)
Okay, you got me. It took all of three weeks, but this town has all ready exposed one of my biggest weaknesses -- cars. And it is not just cars, but the racing of them that really has me out of my league. Now I am not completely ignorant. I know the difference between stock and open-wheel. But that one is easy...