City takes steps to upgrade 911 system
(Local News ~ 08/03/05)
It will not be long before the city will have a modern E-911 system that will automatically give dispatchers the address of 911 calls and the name of the person the telephone is listed under. Tuesday night the city council passed two ordinances that moved the process along by approving an agreement with SBC for the equipment and its installation to connect the city's E-911 system with SBC's customer database and approving a lease-purchase agreement with Heritage State Bank for the purchase of the E-911 equipment.. ...
Agency recruits drivers for transportation program
(Local News ~ 08/03/05)
It's a problem faced by many older Americans, getting where they need to go, when they need to go there because they are no longer able to drive themselves. Care Connection for Aging Services (formerly the Area Agency on Aging) is seeking to remedy that problem by recruiting drivers for a volunteer transportation program, Provide-A-Ride. "We're looking for people who have patience, enjoy talking to people and can visit with the program participants," Melanie Hackney, program manager, said...
Fun for all ages (Local News ~ 08/03/05)
The Nevada Square bustled with activity, children fired water balloons from elastic catapults, they scampered under water sprayed from a fire hose, they slid down an large inflatable slide and jumped in an inflatable "moon walk" among other available activities. It was Nevada's 15th year of participating in National Night Out, a tradition that began 22 years ago and spread throughout the nation... -
The Plame game -- Just the facts, ma'am
(Column ~ 08/03/05)
I don't know if working on a newspaper like the Daily Mail for three years qualifies me as a journalist or if I'm just a hack reporter but considering what mainstream national journalists are up to I'm not sure I want the hoity-toity title. It's bad enough when national politicians get down in the muck and throw mudballs at each other while screaming "Did not! -- Did too!" at one another, but when media members join in while claiming to be impartial observers any credibility they claim for themselves evaporates like a drop of water in desert sands.. ...
Series is last chance for some, first chance for others
(Community Sports ~ 08/03/05)
The 2005 Nevada Griffons have a new lease on life. Once thought destined to be outside looking in at the National Baseball Congress World Series being played this week in Wichita, Kan., the Griffons were awarded an at-large bid Saturday and will play Thursday morning...
Jessie Lloyd Whitaker
(Obituary ~ 08/03/05)
Jessie Lloyd Whitaker, the son of Jessie and Carrie (Kirby) Whitaker, was born April 22, 1922, in Reyno, Ark., and passed away on Monday, Aug. 1, 2005, at Freeman East Hospital in Joplin. He was a long-time resident of Nevada. He was united in marriage to the former Delores Calvert on Sept. 29, 1967, in Vernon, Texas. Mr. Whitaker attended the Nevada Assembly of God. He was a member of the V.F.W. Post No. 2175 and the American Legion. He enjoyed fishing...
Robert "Bob" Nelson Wheeler
(Obituary ~ 08/03/05)
Robert "Bob" Nelson Wheeler, 57, Milo, died Sunday, July 31, 2005. Services were held at Ferry Funeral Home today, Aug. 3, at 2 p.m., with Keith D. Frieze officiating. Musicians were Doug and Janice Rice. Musical selections were "Amazing Grace" and "Life's Railway to Heaven." Pallbearers were Richard Roberts, John Robinson, Gary Glascow, Lee Stone Sr., Larry Blythe and Bill Baker. ...
Doris E. Foland
(Obituary ~ 08/03/05)
Doris E. Foland, Kansas City, Mo., died Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2005, at St. Joseph's Hospital in Kansas City. Family information and funeral arrangements will be announced later by Ferry Funeral Home.
John C. Perkins
(Obituary ~ 08/03/05)
John C. Perkins, 67, Carthage, died Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2005, at Freeman West Hospital in Joplin. Family information and funeral arrangements will be announced later by Ferry Funeral Home.