Creating images of past and present (Local News ~ 08/14/05)
Retired Cottey professor Al Fenske brought a sense of history, illustrated history, to the Nevada Lions' Tuesday meeting. Fenske brought old photos of many different types that were used as photography matured and highlighted some cameras that made the pictures... -
Archiving yesterday's news through today's technology (Local News ~ 08/14/05)
The Vernon County Historical Society has recently made available a searchable index of its archived probate records from the early 1800s online. With a single click of the mouse, researchers can do an "all-name" search and discover a list of ancestors and their heirs... -
Musical entertainment abounds at Old Settler's Picnic, Aug. 18-20
(Local News ~ 08/14/05)
One of the many highlights of the Sheldon Old Settler's Picnic will be The Village Singers, scheduled to perform at 7 p.m., Aug. 18, on Main Street in Sheldon, The Village Singers are a bluegrass gospel quartet from Springfield, Mo. Members are Harold Goad, who sings and plays banjo, mandolin and guitar; his wife, singer Kathie Goad; their son, Warren Goad, who sings and plays guitar; and Shirley Vaughn Lichtenberg...
Donald D. Daugherty (Obituary ~ 08/14/05)
Donald D. Daugherty, 73, of Moundville, died Aug. 11, 2005, at the Research Medical Center in Kansas City, Mo., following a short illness. He was born Dec. 25, 1931, in Bronaugh, to Ralph "Hike" Daugherty and Goldie Mae Green Daugherty. On Sept. 3, 1960, he married Janet L. Hatfield, in Miami, Okla., and she survives of the home... -
Jesse L. Evans
(Obituary ~ 08/14/05)
Jesse L. Evans, 88, Nevada, died Saturday, Aug. 13, 2005, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. Family information and funeral arrangements will be announced later by Ferry Funeral Home.
Sex education
(Column ~ 08/14/05)
One topic I don't hear much about anymore is sex education for young people. Maybe that means the school system has got all the wrinkles ironed out. Yesterday, I viewed a program on cable that contained images and information I didn't know about until I was just about married at age 24. Today, there's a sex education in every uncut episode of "Sex and the Single Girl."...
Tigers getting 'opportunity' (High School Sports ~ 08/14/05)
The Nevada Tiger football team underwent their first true round of evaluations Friday, as they strapped on the pads and held an intra-squad scrimmage, otherwise referred to as an "opportunity scrimmage" by Nevada head coach John Skeans. For the Tigers it was the first action in a game-like atmosphere that the 2005 version of the team has seen. ... -
Want a new adventure? Try river and stream fishing
(Sports Column ~ 08/14/05)
Some 36 years ago this month, Ray Heady, outdoor editor of the Kansas City Star and a frequent visitor to the Nevada area, took his last float trip on one of his favorite Missouri float streams, the Sac River. We thought of him as we drifted down the river recently...
Stirrups look so much better than pajamas
(Sports Column ~ 08/14/05)
Jack McDonald probably said it best of all. I was doing my usual griping and complaining about how today's baseball players have no respect for either tradition or themselves by degrading and eschewing the most traditional portion of the uniform -- between the knees and shins...
School bells ring again
(Column ~ 08/14/05)
Hi neighbors. It's a bit warm out isn't it? Every time I want to complain about the heat and drought I remember we are probably less than eight weeks away from cold weather, ice and snow. Then I don't have the heart to complain. Maybe just visualizing shoveling six inches of snow off of your driveway will make the heat more tolerable...