Bourbon County population falls; Vernon County's remains level (Local News ~ 04/09/06)
According to a report recently released by the U.S. Census Bureau the population of Bourbon County, Kan., has dropped significantly while Vernon County's population has remained stagnant between the 2000 Census and populations estimates for July 1, 2005... -
Town Hall meeting to combat alcohol abuse presented at Sheldon (Local News ~ 04/09/06)
Sheldon, Mo. -- The campaign ad reads "My name is Emily, and in eight years I'll be an alcoholic. I'll start drinking in middle school, and I'll do some things I don't really want to do. So by the time my parents talk to me about it, alcohol won't be my only problem. Start talking before they start drinking."... -
USD 235 board to address athletic policy
(Local News ~ 04/09/06)
UNIONTOWN, Kan. -- The USD 235 Board of Education has a short agenda to address on Monday, including a possible approval of the district athletic policy for the 2006-'07 school year. During their regular meeting at the USD 235 Board of Education office, 402 Fifth St., board members will consider approving the district's athletic policy, including revisions to the policy that have been made over the last two years, Uniontown Junior Senior High School Principal Tracy Smith said. ...
Colum joins FSCC board of trustees (Local News ~ 04/09/06)
Fort Scott, Kan. -- Myrtle Anne Colum has seen Fort Scott Community College come a long way since her days at the old Fort Scott Junior College. "They're (FSCC) headed in the right direction," Colum said. "They have the right curriculum to prepare students to make a decision about their professional career."... -
Two local writers honored at conference
(Local News ~ 04/09/06)
By Steve Moyer Herald-Tribune Nevada, Mo. -- Two Vernon County residents were winners in the Called to Write annual conference, sponsored by the Christian Writers Fellowship in Girard, Kan., Jeff Feuquay, Nevada, and Nevada Daily Mail columnist Neoma Foreman...
Spring comes to life (Local News ~ 04/09/06)
Nevada, Mo. -- The pocket park on the Square in Nevada, on Cedar Street, was void of people Friday afternoon, but despite the overcast skies, the park was vibrant with color -- both those of nature welcoming spring and of the murals nestled within the park... -
Anna Ring
(Obituary ~ 04/09/06)
Anna Ring, age 94, of Sheldon, Mo., died on Saturday, April 8, 2006, at Christian Healthcare in Nevada. Family information and funeral arrangements will be announced by Ferry Funeral Home.
Changing tastes and changing cars
(Column ~ 04/09/06)
Hi neighbors. The best thing about the end of March is the end of "March Madness" dominating the evening television viewing. Yes, I know, I'm not a sports addict and those who are think I'm a wet blanket. Well, phooey I say! I doubt many of those basketball fanatics would want to watch a week-long televised scrap-booking marathon either...
Why I Vote as I Do
(Column ~ 04/09/06)
As a young teenager, I once asked Dad why he voted Republican, term after term after term. A lawyer by trade, he told me he was a Republican, because that party had a philosophy of government which he said pretty much coincided with his own. His party, he said, believed the individual would help himself if he could be left alone by the government. ...
Rocky week for Lyons lighting installation (High School Sports ~ 04/09/06)
NEVADA, Mo. -- Installation of new lighting at Lyons Stadium hit a snag -- actually rock -- this week and the Nevada Tiger baseball team was stuck in a hard place. While digging the holes for poles that will hold the $210,000 lighting system, the installers ran into a heavy layer of rock -- a layer they couldn't penetrate with the equipment on hand... -
Fort Scott girls finish off Pittsburg (High School Sports ~ 04/09/06)
FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- Fort Scott High School's softball team finished up it's storm-delayed softball doubleheader just in time here Friday night as the Tigers defeated Pittsburg, Kan. 3-0 in the second game of Southeast Kansas League play at Fisher Park... -
April 1 Speedway winners (Outdoors ~ 04/09/06)
Kansas City as a minor league team? Nothing new
(Sports Column ~ 04/09/06)
One recent day I was visiting Chris Cluck at All Around Entertainment on the Square when he remarked about something he read about the Kansas City Athletics on a Web site. It was a story about those 13 lamentable seasons in KC in which, for the most part, they kept the faith of their American Association predecessor Blues by remaining for all practical purposes, a farm team for the New York Yankees...
Turkey season looks promising
(Local News ~ 04/09/06)
It's turkey time! With some cooperation from the weather, this could very well be another record season for Missouri hunters looking for that big tom as the first of four turkey hunting seasons gets underway with the Youth Hunt this weekend. The other seasons include the regular spring firearm season April 24-May 14, fall firearms the entire month of October and the archery season in the fall...
Hynum seeks to bowl 'age plus 100' in Fort Scott Open (Community Sports ~ 04/09/06)
FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- Ben Hynum is one of many hundreds of bowlers who have made an annual visit here for the past 13 years as Fort Scott Lanes hosts its annual season-ending series of bowling tournaments. Hynum, who is from Grove, Okla., has a modest-sounding goal when compared to those of other participants at the Fort Scott Open, the first of the three tournaments that continues here through the month of April... -
Joshua Bruce Weber - Alicia Dawn Riley (Engagement ~ 04/09/06)
Tom Riley of Bronaugh, Mo., and Melodie Riley of Nevada, Mo., announce the engagement of their daughter, Alicia Dawn Riley, Nevada, to Joshua Bruce Weber, Moundville, Mo., son of Bruce and Sherie Weber of Moundville. Bride-elect Riley is a 2000 graduate of Bronaugh High School and a 2004 graduate of Graceland University, Lamoni, Iowa, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communications and Studio Art, with a teaching certification in art. ... -
Meleesa Younggren - Tom Pruett (Engagement ~ 04/09/06)
Meleesa Younggren and Tom Pruett announce their engagement and approaching marriage. The bride-elect, daughter of the late Linda Colvin Adams, and John Younggren, Fort Scott, graduated from Kansas State University with a bachelor's degree in agriculture. She is currently the director of business development for Agri-Energy Solutions, Lubbock, Texas...