City to start search for new manager
(Local News ~ 04/20/06)
After a lengthy meeting and an executive session Tuesday, the Nevada City Council ended a busy night by deciding to start their formal search for a new city manager. Mayor Jim Rayburn said Wednesday afternoon that starting in May, the city council will be advertising for a manager in the Missouri Municipal League's monthly publication and other similar publications...
Orchard out of business (Local News ~ 04/20/06)
Larry Kuhn stands beside a tractor filling his pipe and explaining the action going on behind him. Kuhn is the third generation of his family to live on the same farm of nearly 500 acres, one that recently was designated as a Century Farm, a farm that has been in the same family for at least 100 years... -
Aquila sale shouldn't affect already lowering gas bills
(Local News ~ 04/20/06)
Aquila announced a reduction in the purchased gas adjustment (PGA on gas bills) charge by 21 percent. The adjustment is used to reconcile the amount Aquila pays for natural gas and the price it charges customers. "We are very pleased our customers will see some benefit from these lower gas costs," Tracy Peterson, operating vice president for the company's natural gas network in Missouri. "A milder winter led to lower usage and increased storage, which caused a drop in the commodity price."...
Men of Words Songwriters Showcase at Fox Playhouse
(Local News ~ 04/20/06)
The Community Council on the Performing Arts presents Men of Words Songwriter Showcase presented by the CCPA, KODA Music and Divine Productions Sunday, April 23, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Fox Playhouse, 110 South Main. John Kendrick, Dan Divine, Eric Lane, Chris Hewitt, Matt Harper, Dale Lipe and Dave Byerly will perform originally penned songs...
Tiger baseball becomes social (Local News ~ 04/20/06)
The cool sunny weather brought the Nevada tailgaters to Wednesday's ballgame with the Carthage Tigers at Lyons Stadium. The tailgaters sat along the right-field fence. -
Noah Frederick Symes
(Births ~ 04/20/06)
Scott and Natashia Symes are proud to announce the birth of their son, Noah Frederick Symes. Noah was born at 1:54 p.m., April 5, 2006, at Research Medical Center, Kansas City, Mo. He weighed 5 pounds, 8 ounces, and measured 18.75 inches. Paternal grandparents are Fred and Linda Symes, Milo, Mo. Maternal grandparents are Jim and Debbie Clouse, Clinton, Mo., and Andria Thiebaud, Tyler, Texas...
Elaina Gayle Dye
(Births ~ 04/20/06)
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Dye, Nevada, and Tyler, Jimmie Jr., Kendra, and Taylor are proud to announce the birth of their daughter and sister, Elaina Gayle Dye. Elaina was born at 7:03 a.m., April 11, 2006, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. She weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and measured 19.75 inches...
Derrick Wayne Fritter
(Births ~ 04/20/06)
Marc and Melissa Fritter, Nevada, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Derrick Wayne Fritter. Derrick was born at 2:04 a.m., Wednesday, April 12, 2006, at Mercy Health Center, Fort Scott. He weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces. Maternal grandparents Clay and Bonnie Coale, Nevada. Maternal great-grandparents are Robert and May Smith, Milo, and Bill Coale, Nevada...
Alma Frances Mauer
(Obituary ~ 04/20/06)
Alma Frances Mauer, 87, Nevada, Mo., died Tuesday, April 17, 2006, at Nevada Regional Medical Center, Nevada. Family information and funeral arrangements will be announced later by Ferry Funeral Home, Nevada.
Helen Marceline Hill Dowdy
(Obituary ~ 04/20/06)
Helen Marceline Hill Dowdy, passed away on Saturday, April 15, 2006, Grove, Mo., with her family at her side. She was born Aug. 27, 1929, in Sioux Falls, N.D., to the late John and Betty Jobson. Helen graduated from the Sacred Heart School in 1944, before moving to Tiffin, Mo., area. ...
Things can really get messed up
(Column ~ 04/20/06)
The electronic age has wonders for us all. We can send instant messages all around the world and be in touch with family members several times a day with ease. We can cell phone each other from one car to another, from one end of the country to another, or just across the hall...
Crawford's Comedians remembered
(Column ~ 04/20/06)
Some artifacts lately donated to the Bushwhacker Museum brought on a spate of curiosity about a venerable Nevada institution: Crawford's Comedians. With the artifacts came a huge pile of old thermifax copies of Nevada Daily Mail entries on the subject, accumulated by the donor. ...
The Way it Was
(Column ~ 04/20/06)
San Francisco in ashes SAN FRANCISCO -- The fire following the earthquake is gradually consuming the whole city. The United States Sub-Treasury building was destroyed by fire yesterday afternoon. The vaults appear in tact. A detail of soldiers guard 30 millions in money and bullion. Treasurer Jacobs was burned and dead...
Nevada bounces back with win over Carthage (High School Sports ~ 04/20/06)
NEVADA, Mo. -- Avenging an earlier loss that didn't count toward their league record, the Nevada Tigers downed the Carthage Tigers 6-2 Wednesday, kicking off their Southwest Conference slate in style. Nevada (6-6 overall, 1-0 in the conference) jumped out to a 4-0 lead in the first inning and rode a combination of impressive pitching and solid defense to hand Carthage (8-7, 0-2) their sixth consecutive loss... -
NHS tennis falls to Webb City
(High School Sports ~ 04/20/06)
The Nevada boys tennis team dropped a close conference dual at home to Webb City Tuesday, 6-3. Ryan Kimbrough lost to Brayton Rand at No. 1 singles, 8-6, while Justdan Lockwood beat Randon Coffey in No. 2 singles, 8-2. Taylor Hall also won, beating Michael Handley at No. 3 singles, 9-7...
Tiger golf beaten
(High School Sports ~ 04/20/06)
The Nevada Tiger golfers took on Carl Junction during a triangular with the Carthage junior varsity Tuesday. Nevada couldn't get by the Bulldogs or the Carthage JV. Nevada shot 176 over nine holes, led by Tyler Gast's 41. Justin Crooks shot 43, while Zach Braucher and Brandon Davis each carded 46...
Nevada Speedway report -- April 15
(Community Sports ~ 04/20/06)
By Gail Agee Track Reporter Doubleheader scheduled for next week. Racing resumed tonight at Nevada Speedway. Last week's races were canceled because of storm damage and the Mini-Stock special was rescheduled for the 22nd. Saturday night's races were exciting and were well underway when the tornado sirens for the city of Nevada sounded, resulting in the balance of the races for the night being canceled and everyone heading for shelter. ...