Colton Huston Oscar Clyman
(Births ~ 11/28/07)
Jennifer, Jermy and Ella Clyman are proud to announce the birth of their son and baby brother, Colton Huston Oscar Clyman. Colton was born at 6:11p.m., Friday, Nov. 9, 2007, at St. Mary's Hospital, Blue Springs, Mo. He weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces, and measured 21 inches...
Klhoe Jazelle Derry
(Births ~ 11/28/07)
Vanessa Radford, Dusty Derry, Lillian Derry, and Deja Derry, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter and baby sister, Klhoe Jazelle Derry. Klhoe was born on Nov. 9, 2007, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. She weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces, and measured 19 inches...
Joseph Eden Burris
(Obituary ~ 11/28/07)
Joseph Eden Burris, 83, passed away peacefully in his sleep on Monday, Nov. 26, 2007, at Webb City Health and Rehabilitation, Webb City, Mo., where he had lived the past 15 months. He was born Sept. 11, 1924, in Nevada, to Charles Thomas Burris and Nora Lee Buzzard Burris, He married Bertha D. Collins, on Jan. 24, 1947, in Nevada, and she preceded him in death in 1998...
Local sports columnist undergoes dialysis in Butler
(Community Sports ~ 11/28/07)
Kelly Bradham, Nevada Daily Mail and Sunday Herald-Tribune sports columnist, is currently undergoing dialysis in a nursing facility in Butler. Treatment is expected to last approximately three weeks and the Daily Mail editorial staff would like to request a card shower for Kelly...
Comets pull upset over Ozark Christian
(College Sports ~ 11/28/07)
The Cottey Comets made their annual visit to Ozark Christian College, Joplin, and came away with a 66-63 win over the Ozark Ambassadors for a season record of 5-1, with their only loss to Hesston College, Hesston, Kan. Brittany Smith led the Comets with 18 points and six assists, followed by Jessica Roberts with 15 points and three assists and Liz Wagoner with 11 points and one assist...
Bronaugh Wildcats end night at Ballard, 1-1
(High School Sports ~ 11/28/07)
The Bronaugh Wildcats boys and girls basketball teams split with Ballard Tuesday night in Ballard, with the Bronaugh girls beating Ballard 45-27 and the Ballard boys beating Bronaugh 56-50. Morgan Hinkle led Bronaugh with 20 points, followed by Skye Klinksick with nine, Carly Schulze with six, Vanessa Langford and Ashley Cox with four and Kelsey Schulze with two...
Nevada Tigers wrestling team kicks season off with a win
(High School Sports ~ 11/28/07)
Nevada's Austen Payne gave Butler's Grady Grainger all he could handle during the match-up of 130 lb. wrestlers Tuesday night at Wynn Gymnasium. Grainger, who placed fourth in the state championships in 2007 eked out a 12-10 win over Payne during the six minute match...
Santa to visit Vernon County on Saturday
(Local News ~ 11/28/07)
It's been months -- nearly 12 of them, to be exact, since Vernon County has seen the likes of a certain celebrity. Santa Claus, that jolly old elf who calls the North Pole home, has slated some time to visit Vernon County this weekend, just in time to join in weekend festivities...
Patrol initiates new traffic safety campaign
(Local News ~ 11/28/07)
The Missouri State Highway Patrol is planning a special traffic safety campaign for 2008. Titled, "I'm saving lives. Help Wanted," this campaign's focus is on safety and reducing the number of traffic fatalities in Missouri. In 2006, Missouri led the nation when it experienced a 13 percent decrease in traffic deaths for that year...
Dressed up for the holidays (Local News ~ 11/28/07)
Simple T-shirt leads to beautiful quilt (Local News ~ 11/28/07)
Greg Girven literally gave the shirt off his back to an effort to make a special quilt that could one day give comfort to a wounded soldier. Kerin Hatch, Dr. Ron Hatch's wife, creates quilts for injured military personnel and is associated with the Quilts of Valor organization. So far she has made dozens of quilts that have been given to injured Marine and Army servicemen and women around the world... -
Skelton's office marks Young Readers Day with flag presentation (Local News ~ 11/28/07)
Thanks for your generosity
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/28/07)
Dear editor, On Nov. 11, Shear Attitude held a benefit day for the Lupus Foundation on behalf of our daughter, Jennifer Hancock. We would like to thank Gina Kafer, Michelle Meyer, and Angie Stone, and their husbands, for all their work in coordinating and carrying out this generous gift. These three ladies gave up a Saturday to donate their time and skills for lupus. We appreciate it very much...
Habjan honored for 35 Years of 4-H Leadership
(Column ~ 11/28/07)
Most readers are aware that my career was in giving leadership to 4-H, being assigned to Vernon County in 1961. One year a young lady came into the office and offered to be a chaperone on one of our 4-H trips. This lady, showing much enthusiasm had been a 4-H member in Kansas and wanted to get involved...