Can you come out to play?
(Column ~ 02/02/08)
Hi neighbors. Anyone up for a snowball fight? Yes, it might be cold, but it beats sitting around watching the kids have all the fun. Children always find a way to turn almost any situation into a fun time. While you're groaning and moaning about cleaning off your sidewalk, putting on your hip boots to clean off the car then dig it out; think back to when you were ten years old...
Dealing with diabetes: Another amateur chimes in
(Column ~ 02/02/08)
I always read Leonard Ernsbarger's columns in this newspaper, because he is, and probably always has been, one of Nevada's faithful and tireless pillars. And I always read his columns on the topic of diabetes, because I, too, have suffered for one year less than half a century from the same disease Leonard has...
The things children say
(Column ~ 02/02/08)
The following bits of humor and wisdom from children were shared with me by a good friend via e-mail. She was in the bathroom putting on her makeup, under the watchful eyes of her young granddaughter as she'd done many times before. After she applied her lipstick and started to leave, the little one said, "But Gramma, you forgot to kiss the toilet paper good-bye!"...
Trevor Dale Bobbett
(Births ~ 02/02/08)
Ryan and Cameron Bobbett, and big sister Riley Bobbett, of Nevada, are proud to announce the birth of their son and baby brother, Trevor Dale Bobbett. Trevor was born at 8:12 a.m., on Jan. 21, 2008, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. He weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces, and measured 19 1/4 inches...
Esther Carol Thurlow
(Obituary ~ 02/02/08)
She is survived by a son, Jeff Thurlow and his wife Dianna of Kelliher, Minn.; Janneane Hazlip and her husband Frank, of Fort Scott; a daughter-in-law Rebekah Thurlow; seven grandchildren, Kerry Anderson, Dan Anderson, Ben Hazlip, Chad Hazlip, Trevor Hazlip, Pam Guenther, and Wesley Thurlow; and four sisters, Alice Fatland, Marvis Juedes, Kitty Hansen, and Phyllis Keller. ...
Carolyn Ludlow Prather
(Obituary ~ 02/02/08)
Carolyn Ludlow Prather, 60, died Friday, Feb. 1, 2008, at the Mercy Health Center. Arrangements are incomplete and will be announced later by the Konantz-Cheney Funeral Home.
Tyana and Travis Maiseroulle (Wedding ~ 02/02/08)
Travis Michael Maiseroulle and Tyana Marie Deck were wed on Saturday, July 28, 2007, at the First Presbyterian Church in Fort Scott. The Rev. George Powers officiated, and a reception followed at the Elk's Lodge. The bride is the granddaughter of Richard Hall and the late Helen Hall and the late Bill and Lucille Deck. She is a 2005 Pittsburg High School graduate and works at The Mall Deli while attending Pittsburg State University... -
Jacob L. Anderson - Dawny J. Swisher (Engagement ~ 02/02/08)
Regina E. Swisher, of Fort Scott, announces the engagement and approaching marriage of her daughter, Dawny Jo Swisher, to Jacob Leroy Anderson. Dawny is the daughter of the late Donald L. Swisher and the granddaughter of the late Robert and Naomi Elbrader of Fort Scott, and the late Paul and Georgia Swisher of Bronson, Kan. ... -
Brittany N. Callaghan - Kyle J. Houchin (Wedding ~ 02/02/08)
Ms. Sheila Wilson and Mr. Michael Callaghan, the parents of Brittany Nacole Callaghan, along with Mr. and Mrs. James and Vickie Houchin, parents of Kyle James Houchin, announce the upcoming marriage of their children. The 6 p.m. ceremony is set for Feb. 14, 2008, at the Pine Street Baptist Church... -
Bronaugh posts sweep of NEVC on Homecoming
(High School Sports ~ 02/02/08)
BRONAUGH, Mo. -- The Bronaugh boys and girls basketball teams celebrated their 2008 Homecoming Friday night by easily winning both games over Northeast Vernon County . The Wildcats beat the NEVC Knights 65-42 to make their season record 5-12 and the Lady Wildcats beat the Lady Knights 52-30 for a season record of 8-9...
Kerbs' 23 not enough for Nevada in loss
(High School Sports ~ 02/02/08)
LAMAR, Mo. -- Jordan Kerbs scored 23 points here Friday night but Nevada's boys fell to Lamar, 61-53, in a non-conference game. Nevada trailed 12-6 after one period of play. However, a third-quarter rally helped bring the Tigers within 39-38. Lamar outscored Nevada 22-15 in the fourth quarter to take the win...
Balancing act
(High School Sports ~ 02/02/08)
FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- In the first quarter, Fort Scott High's boys showed offensive power. In the second, they showed defensive domination. The net effect was a 56-38 Southeast Kansas League victory over Independence at the FSHS gymnasium Friday night...
FSHS wins 7th straight over 'Dogs
(High School Sports ~ 02/02/08)
FORT SCOTT, Kan. -- Fort Scott High's girls defeated Independence for the seventh consecutive time Friday night, taking a Southeast Kansas League contest, 50-39, at the FSHS gymnasium. The Bulldogs came into the contest off a 36-34 win over third-place Iola Tuesday. That was a big win considering that the Fillies are just one of two teams that have defeated Labette County this season...
Nevada swimmers third in final SWC championship
(High School Sports ~ 02/02/08)
WEBB CITY, Mo. -- Thursday's snow storm canceled and postponed a number of area events. However, it did not stop the final Southwest Conference Invitational Swim Meet from taking place in Webb City. The 2008 Carthage swim team will go into the records books as the final Southwest Conference champions, with Webb City finishing second and Nevada's four-member team placing third. ...
SPORTS COLUMN: Deer hunter seeks out shed antlers after hunting season closes (Outdoors ~ 02/02/08)
While at the recent Kansas City Sportshow, I ran into Larry Williams, who is a deer hunter from way back. "I started deer hunting some 49 years ago and have really seen some big changes," Williams said. "When someone hit a deer on the highway, it would attract crowds just to see a deer. Today if you don't have a 12- or 14-point buck, it wouldn't even raise an eyebrow."... -
Grandparents raising children can benefit from Grandfamily Resource Fair
(Local News ~ 02/02/08)
Joplin, Mo. -- On Feb. 20, University of Missouri Extension and ParentLink, a state-wide non-for-profit parent resource agency, will host 10 interactive resource fairs statewide specifically designed for grandparents raising children. Locally, the 2008 Grandfamily Resource Fair will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Feb. 20 in the conference room at the Freeman Business Center, 675 S Black Cat Rd., Joplin, Mo...
'Cheese' takes on new drug-related meaning
(Local News ~ 02/02/08)
Nowadays, if parents hear their children talking about wanting some cheese, they may need to do a little investigating in order to discover if the cheese their children want is healthy for them. According to information provided by Fort Scott Police officer Toby Nighswonger, school resource officer for USD 234, cheese is the name of a new drug sweeping the nation. Cheese, a starter form of heroine, is usually found folded inside a small paper bundle...
Attorney discusses issues affecting prosecution of sex crimes
(Local News ~ 02/02/08)
Editor's note: This is the third in a series delving into the causes and impact of sex crimes on the lives of local citizens. The series will continue in next Sunday's edition of the Sunday Herald-Tribune. ----------- Readers often wonder what goes into the decision to prosecute those accused of sex crimes. Why was one prosecuted while another was not. The Herald-Tribune recently sat down with Bourbon County Attorney Terri Johnson to find out about what goes into the prosecution of a sex crime...
Church plans benefit show for fire victims
(Local News ~ 02/02/08)
The Mt. Orum Baptist Church, 1050 115th St., southwest of Redfield, will hold a miscellaneous show for the family at 7 p.m. Saturday. Open to the public...
Show Me Readers to vote for favorite title (Local News ~ 02/02/08)
The Nevada Public Library has kicked off a 10-week program for local students to meet, learn and voice their opinions as to which book will receive the next Show Me Readers award. As part of a program developed by the Missouri Association of School Librarians, first through third grade students have been invited to the Nevada Library to participate in an after-school program de-signed to give children a vote in literary awards... -
Memories, markers and monuments of the Marais des Cygnes Massacre (Local News ~ 02/02/08)
May 19, 2008 is the 150th anniversary of one of the most violent incidents in Kansas History, and this is the first in a series of articles that will focus on the memories, markers and monuments that were created to remember the Marais des Cygnes massacre from 1858 to the present day... -
Massachusetts considers inauguration of first female groundhog prognosticator
(Local News ~ 02/02/08)
The crowd gathers, the reluctant rodent shows himself and the 'pope' of Groundhog Day listens intently for a minute then reveals to the masses the result -- did the groundhog see his shadow or not? If he did, then winter rules the land for six more weeks; if he didn't, then spring will make an early appearance...