Jackson Dale Rodgers
(Obituary ~ 03/18/08)
Jackson Dale Rodgers, infant son of Dale and Beth Rodgers of Belton, Mo., passed away March 16, 2008 at Children's Mercy Hospital. He was born Dec. 27, 2007, in Overland Park, Kan. Funeral services 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 18, at Cullen Funeral Home with visitation from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. ...
What goes up, comes down -- painfully
(Column ~ 03/18/08)
The great thing about skiing is how it brings families together. Unfortunately, it brought our family together in the ski mountain's infirmary. The day had started out auspiciously enough. After a few warm-ups on the "bunny slopes," I was ready for my first real run of the day...
What they're saying …
(Editorial ~ 03/18/08)
Here are excerpts from recent editorials in Missouri newspapers: March 12 Springfield News-Leader, on theft of metals: Last fall, we urged Missouri lawmakers to get behind a law that would cut down on rampant theft of copper and other precious metals...
Leta Nilene Shelton
(Births ~ 03/18/08)
Amber and Travis Shelton, and big brother Quinton, and big sisters Tessa and Sierra, of Nevada, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter and baby sister, Leta Nilene Shelton. Leta was born at 3:43 p.m., on March 14, 2008, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. She weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce, and measured 20 inches...
Trayton Alexander Scotten
(Births ~ 03/18/08)
Victoria and David Heath Scotten, of Harwood, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Trayton Alexander Scotten. Trayton was born at 10:25 a.m., on March 11, 2008, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. He weighed 9 pounds, 12 ounces, and measured 21 inches...
- Clayton E. Cavanaugh (Obituary ~ 03/18/08)
Council to discuss sewer, street projects
(Local News ~ 03/18/08)
When the Nevada City Council meets tonight they will be holding the second reading of an ordinance accepting Rosetta Construc-tion's bid of $622,839 to slip line the city's west Interceptor sewer line. The goal of the project is to reduce the amount of water that leaks into the sewer line during periods of heavy rainfall...
Art and artifacts
(Local News ~ 03/18/08)
Editor's note: Cottey students traveled to Italy for a unique learning experience including daily educational modules. Meanwhile, public information director Steve Reed shares the experience with readers, in the form of letters back home. This is the third letter...
Missouri program helps farms grow into agritourism destinations
(Local News ~ 03/18/08)
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- Agritourism in Missouri continues to be a growing trend offering opportunities to learn about where their food comes from and how it is produced. Farmers are adding agritourism businesses to their farms to provide these opportunities for Missouri-ans. ...
O'Sullivan sale canceled; lawsuit filed against buyer
(Local News ~ 03/18/08)
The promise to resurrect an abandoned manufacturing plant and to bring almost 500 jobs back to a Southwest Missouri city that lost nearly 800 jobs last year has been canceled, ending in a lawsuit brought against to prospective buyer. O'Sullivan Industries, acting as a corporation in Wilmington, Del., formerly of Lamar, Mo. has filed suit against Structured Equity Advisors with the Western Missouri U.S. Court for the amount of $1.5 million plus additional interest and attorney fees...
Image and imagination (Local News ~ 03/18/08)
Bob Hendrickson, a Tulsa, Okla., native and current resident of Stockton, is showing his creative wildlife-based art work at the Carnegie Building Gallery in Nevada. With a Master's Degree in English from the University of Tulsa and a doctoral in higher education of English from the University of Arkansas, Bob Hendrickson's shift in focus over the last three decades to the photography of nature is somewhat surprising...