Extracting the Earth's bounty (Local News ~ 03/26/08)
Could Nevada be destined to a redesign, including oil wells and corner stores that sell pump jacks? According to Paul Krawchuck, production engineer for Mega West Energy Corp., it is very possible. On, March 15, Mega West, an oil recovery company based in Calgary, Canada, began its operation, attempting to pick up where many left off some 20 years ago... -
McGennis Youth Center has a bright future
(Column ~ 03/26/08)
A subject and a program that is dear to my heart is the McGennis Youth Center. From all indications there are many things that are good about the youth Center. As usual, the center has a good physical appearance. The cover on the annual report is attractive, has a good appearance and looks good. ...
Hospital board gets presentation about proposed health legislation
(Local News ~ 03/26/08)
A representative of the Missouri Hospital Association gave a presentation on the association's efforts to encourage Missouri legislators to pass new legislation to help cover uninsured Missourians. Saying Medicaid was effectively dead in Missouri the representative said hospitals, their administrators and boards of directors would play an important role, along with individuals, in informing legislators of the importance of providing the coverage, which is dubbed Insure-Missouri...
IRS economic stimulus letters cause confusion
(Local News ~ 03/26/08)
Recently letters began appearing in taxpayers' mailboxes which were supposed to explain the economic stimulus payments the government would be making later in the year, but in some cases, the letter has had the opposite effect than what was hoped for. Included with that letter were copies of Form 1040A intended for those who could qualify for the stimulus payment but had not filed a tax return because they were not required to by the IRS...
Illuminating the road (Local News ~ 03/26/08)
The Nevada Police Department has a new tool to make officers and their vehicles more visible during traffic stops and other law enforcement activities. Thanks to a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant, the department has purchased a dozen new LED light bars for the patrol cars. ... -
Adena (Pellet) McKemey
(Obituary ~ 03/26/08)
Adena (Pellet) McKemey of Kansas City, Missouri passed away Friday, March 21, 2008 at North Kansas City Hospital. Memorial services will be 7:00 pm Friday, March 28, 2008 at Avondale United Methodist Church, 3101 NE Winn Rd. KCMO. Visitation will be Friday 4:30 to 7:00pm Friday in Wesley Hall at the Church. In lieu of flowers the family suggests memorial contributions to Avondale United Methodist Church...
Margie Imogene Martin
(Obituary ~ 03/26/08)
Margie Imogene Martin, 83, Lee's Summit, MO passed away Friday, March 21, 2008 at the John Knox Village Care Center in Lee's Summit, MO following a lengthy illness. She was born January 25, 1925 in Bates, AR to Doc Raymond Underwood and Mattie Lee Mathis Underwood. She was married on December 26, 1944 in Kansas City, MO to Samuel P. Martin and he preceded her in death May 27, 1988...