Makayla Rene Hearting Dines
(Births ~ 12/24/08)
Amanda Hearting and Chad Dines, of Lamar, and siblings Austin, Jacob, and Marissa, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter and baby sister, Makayla Rene Hearting Dines. Makayla was born at 4:15, on Dec. 22, 2008, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. She weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces, and measured 19 1/2 inches...
Brandon Lei Patrick
(Births ~ 12/24/08)
Candice Laning and Gilbert Patrick, of Nevada, and big sisters, Kayla and Hannah, are proud to announce the birth of their son and baby brother, Brandon Lei Patrick. Brandon was born at 6:18, on Dec. 10, 2008, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. He weighed 8 pounds, and measured 21 1/4 inches...
Police Report Dec. 17, 19, 21
(Police/Fire Report ~ 12/24/08)
Dec. 17 An accident occurred at 4 p.m., on Cedar and Hickory, involving a SUV driven by Michael M. Bolan II, of Nevada, and a van driven by Chasidee M. Hutchison, of Nevada. No injuries were reported. Dec. 19 There was a report of a petty theft, on the 400 block of south Oak, reported by Andrew Miles, of Nevada. He reported a Hundo six string acoustic guitar with strap and guitar case stolen...
Tickets from Dec. 10
(Police/Fire Report ~ 12/24/08)
Dec. 10 James M. Earll, Nevada, failure to stop at a stop sign. Andrew G. Fritts, Nevada, speeding 50/40. Daniel J. Graham Jr., Nevada, no proof of insurance. Sandra J. Hayes, Rich Hill, failure to stop at a stop light. Kristain S. McCullick, El Dorado Springs, speeding 52/40, and no proof of insurance...
City offices to close for holiday
(Local News ~ 12/24/08)
Area government offices have announced plans to close in observance of the Christmas holiday. Nevada's city offices will close at noon on Dec. 24 and remained closed on Dec. 25-26. All city offices will re-open for normal business on Monday, Dec. 29...
Bond meets with Missouri Guard in Afghanistan
(Local News ~ 12/24/08)
United States Senator Kit Bond recently joined Lieutenant General Clyde A. Vaughn, the Director of the Army National Guard, to tout the success of the Missouri National Guard's Agribusiness Development Team in improving agriculture and supplanting the narcotics trade in Afghanistan's Nangarhar Province. Just last week, Bond visited the Missouri ADT in Afghanistan to see first-hand their accomplishments...
Area residents spend the weekend without heat (Local News ~ 12/24/08)
The cold weather was especially unpleasant for nine families with a total of 14 people in the Uptown Apartments at the intersection of Walnut and Lynn streets. Their electricity was turned off Thursday and they went without heat from Thursday to Monday, when temperatures were barely above zero and the wind chill was well below. Robin Maxville is the owner of the property and apparently fell behind in payments... -
Forget the myths, poinsettias are not poisonous, says master gardener (Local News ~ 12/24/08)
Go ahead and enjoy poinsettias this winter and forget about the myth of them being poisonous according to Mark Bernskoetter, president of the Greene County chapter of Master Gardeners. "While poinsettias are not good for you and have a horribly bitter taste, the poinsettia is not poisonous to humans or pets," said Bernskoetter. ... -
Yes, Virginia. There is a Santa Claus
(Letter to the Editor ~ 12/24/08)
This famous editorial was first printed in the New York Sun, 1897, this letter to the editor and the response from Francis Pharcellus Church, editor of that publication. It is reprinted in this issue for your enjoyment. Dear Editor: I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, "If you see it in The Sun, it's so." Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?...
Livingston a respected bushwhacker
(Column ~ 12/24/08)
Northern partisans strove hard, and largely succeeded, in blackening the names of their opponents. Most journalism of the period would have us conclude that Benjamin Stringfellow (Missouri's ex-attorney general) was an ignorant, demagogic nobody. Northern publicists portrayed David R. ...
Nevada Elks Lodge hosts youth free throw contest (Community Sports ~ 12/24/08)