Planning commission votes down re-zoning
(Local News ~ 05/16/13)
Buildit LLC remodeled an old church at 721 North Ash St. last year and turned it into apartments. Now, Chris Hendren of Buildit, told the Nevada Planning Commission Tuesday he and his business partner, Wes Ogle, want to purchase additional property at 722, 726 and 730 North Adams -- directly west of the apartments on Ash Street -- to build a two-story, eight-unit apartment building and parking lot, if the city will change the zoning on those lots from R-1 single family dwellings, to R-3, apartment district.. ...
We remember Year-long marathon honors injured, killed in Boston (Local News ~ 05/16/13)
Year-long marathon honors injured, killed in Boston -
Nevada man among 3 to get state award (Local News ~ 05/16/13)
Three remarkable Missourians who have overcome mental health challenges to make life better for others and their communities have been chosen as 2013 "Mental Health Champions" by the Missouri Mental Health Foundation. The Champions are Tim Boyd of Nevada, Bobette Figler of St. Louis, and Garrett Lawrence of Hannibal... -
Nevada track team fares well at districts
(High School Sports ~ 05/16/13)
CARL JUNCTION -- Nevada's boys were second overall in the 16-team Class 3, District 6 track meet with 80 points. The girls' team finished sixth with 50 points. The top four finishers advanced to the Sectional meet next week, at Ozark. For the first time, it will be a double Sectional with both Class 3 and Class 4 divisions. Field events will begin at 11 a.m., while running events start at noon...
Nevada High School to host golf academy
(High School Sports ~ 05/16/13)
Nevada High School head golf coach Brian Leonard announced Thursday his plans to host the eighth annual Nevada High School Golf Academy in June. The academy is for all boys and girls who have completed the first through eighth grades. Academy participants will be provided with instruction on the basic skills needed to introduce them to the game of golf. ...
Nevada A's take second at Iola (Community Sports ~ 05/16/13)