BriLynn Sammie Lee Goolsby (Births ~ 05/31/13)
Britteny Lukenbill and Justin Goolsby of Nevada, Mo., are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, BriLynn Sammie Lee Goolsby. BriLynn was born at 11 p.m., Sunday, May 26, 2013, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. She weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces, and measured 20 inches... -
Turtle crossings
(Column ~ 05/31/13)
I have found a new job for the highway departments. I think they should put up signs along the highway at different spots warning drivers of turtle's crossing. There are many signs warning us about deer crossing, but I haven't seen any about the turtles. And on every road trip I see dozens of turtles of all sizes crossing the highways. However it is very unusual to see a deer, especially in the middle of the day...
RE: Discontent over salary schedules grows among Nevada teachers
(Letter to the Editor ~ 05/31/13)
Dear Editor: In response to the Saturday May 18, Nevada Daily Mail interview with Dr. David Stephens, the following information needs to be shared with the patrons of the Nevada R-5 School District: Case in point: The reported salary of the superintendent of the Nevada R-5 School District on Sep. 4, 2010 was $120,000 according to the St. Louis Post Dispatch based on data supplied from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education...
Why steal flowers from a grave?
(Letter to the Editor ~ 05/31/13)
Dear Editor: Every year I drive to Nevada to decorate graves and every year there are different flowers. Some ugly flowers in front of the stone and two flowers put in a vase. Whoever is stealing from the dead for a grudge sale is in pretty bad shape...
Nevada man arrested for alleged break-in
(Local News ~ 05/31/13)
Nevada Police said a man has been arrested in connection with an reported break in that occurred Tuesday. A female victim and her child were in their apartment in the 1200 block of North Elm Street when a man she knows allegedly forced his way through the front door of the apartment, according to a news release...
Child identification available for parents at Bushwhacker Days
(Local News ~ 05/31/13)
MoChip children identification will once again be available to parents at Bushwhacker Days. No one wants to think that the unimaginable could happen to them, but according to statistics, nearly 2,000 children are reported missing or abducted each day in the United States...
County resident gives gift of life -- and then some (Local News ~ 05/31/13)
Nevada Daily Mail It takes about a week for the human body to produce a pint of blood. Thanks to modern medicine it only takes a little while for a blood donor to give that same pint of blood to be stored or used by someone who has been in an accident or becomes very ill... -
Rodeo Time (Local News ~ 05/31/13)
Craig Ash of Aurora, goes after a calf in the calf roping competition Thursday at the Vernon County Youth Fair Rodeo performance. The rodeo tuns through Saturday night -- rain or shine. Ralph Pokorny/Daily Mail -
Rodeo Time (Local News ~ 05/31/13)
Griffons season opener postponed due to rain (Community Sports ~ 05/31/13)
By Eric Wade Daily Mail Sports Editor The Nevada Griffons will have to wait just a little bit longer to get the 2013 season started. Head coach Ryan Mansfield's squad was scheduled to kick off the season Thursday night with an exhibition game against the Midwest Nationals, but Mother Nature had other plans. After a day of nearly nonstop rainfall and thunderstorms, the field at Lyons Stadium was simply too wet to be playable... -
Neptunes season begins Saturday at Webb City meet
(Community Sports ~ 05/31/13)
The Nevada Neptunes swim team's first swim meet of the 2013 season is scheduled Saturday, at Webb City. Neptunes head coach Karen Claypool says that although the entry deadline was a week ago Thursday, deck entries will still be possible Saturday, at double the entry fee. Neptunes swimmers competing at Webb City should be ready for warm-ups at 7:45 a.m., Saturday morning...
Quitno named Junior Golf Tour Player of the Year
(Community Sports ~ 05/31/13)
A Nevada golfer earned Player of the Year honors this spring. John Quitno won four out of five events this season and the Player of the Year award for golfers age12-14, on the Midwest Junior Golf Tour. He also won Saturday medalist honors in three of the five events on this spring's tour. Quitno won top honors in the Liberty Hills Country Club event, two strokes better than the runner-up, Parker Beal, Topeka, Kan. Nick Beardslee, Leawood, Kan., was third...
Missouri anglers flock to Caplinger Mills (Sports Column ~ 05/31/13)
When Jack Clark, Clinton, heard how good the fishing was at Caplinger Mills, he took his son and headed for the bridge over the Sac River at Caplinger, only to see lots of other anglers had beaten him there. "We counted 42 people fishing on the bridge and a lot of them were pulling out crappie or white bass," Clark said. "I had fished there before, but this time it was different...