Advancements to the jail phone system could help solve crimes
(Column ~ 10/28/17)
As different contracts within the Sheriff’s Office come due, I always like to shop around to make sure we are getting the best deal we can find for the money, and I am always finding myself surprised at how fast things continue to change in the world of technology. We recently attended a demo from a phone company that provides phones and other related software for jails and prisons, and this area, like others, has made significant changes in a short time...
Third-grade Tigers topple East Newton 24-22 en route to Southwest Conference title (Community Sports ~ 10/28/17)
White: ’Tis the season for gorgeous autumn scenery (Outdoors ~ 10/28/17)
The recent cooler weather has stirred interest in taking walks on the wild side. Autumn walks in the woods are a rare pleasure in itself — with jacket unzipped in a perfect cool afternoon, sunlight flickering through brightly colored branches and, the rich smell of fresh fallen leaves crunching beneath your feet. ... -
Tigers tumble to Grain Valley in district semifinals, 52-14 (High School Sports ~ 10/28/17)
GRAIN VALLEY — Four unanswered touchdowns to open Friday night’s Class 4 District 6 semifinal matchup sank the Nevada Tigers as the top-seeded Grain Valley Eagles secured a 52-14 victory. Nevada concludes its first season under head coach Wes Beachler 5-6 overall, while Grain Valley improves to 9-2. The victory advances the Eagles to next week’s district title bout, where they’re set to square off against the defending Class 4 state champions, the second-seeded Harrisonville Wildcats...