Sportsman's Friend swaps stories with Nevadans
(Local News ~ 09/25/03)
Nevadan's received a treat Saturday as Harold Ensley, the Sportsman's Friend, signed copies of his book, "Winds of Chance" for fans. Ensley, who will be 91 in November, had a fishing show that started out on the radio in the late 1940s but moved to television in 1953. ...
Local leaders learn strategies of charitable giving in seminar
(Local News ~ 09/25/03)
Members of charitable institutions and financial advisors as well as members of the public came together Wednesday morning to learn more about charitable giving and how to maximize them to the benefit of donors and charities. In the Missouri Recital Hall in Cottey College's Haidee and Allen Wild Center for the Arts, Kevin McGrath, of a third-party administration company Renaissance Inc., presented information designed to help attendees understand the issues better. ...
Students gain skills in leadership conference
(Local News ~ 09/25/03)
On Tuesday the Bowman Building, in Nevada, was the site of the third annual HOSA State Leadership Conference. HOSA, Health Occupations Students of America, is an organization dedicated to preparing high school students for careers in the health care industry. ...
NMS Tigers taste season's first defeat
(High School Sports ~ 09/25/03)
The Nevada Middle School eighth-grade volleyball teams fell from the ranks of the undefeated, suffering losses to Joplin North on Tuesday. The "A" team (6-1) took Joplin to three games before losing the match-deciding contest, 7-15. They split the first two, winning 25-22, then losing 15-25. Lindsey Webb led the Tigers with six service points. The "B" team (6-1) fell in straight sets to Joplin, 21-25 and 16-25. Kourtni Gilmore scored six points...
Tigers win own invitational golf tourney
(High School Sports ~ 09/25/03)
The Nevada High School girls golf team posted its lowest team score of the season to capture the Nevada Invitational at Frank E. Peters Municipal Golf Course on Tuesday. The Tigers, with five golfers finishing in the No. 3-4-5-6 and 7 positions, shot a 213, nine shots better than runner-up Carl Junction. ...
Could this be 'the' game?
(High School Sports ~ 09/25/03)
A crazy little thought crept into my mind the other day and I can't seem to shake it. Or laugh it off. I believe the Nevada Tigers have a real shot against the Webb City Cardinals on Friday night. Yes, those Cardinals! The same outfit that has won 19 straight -- dating back to 1984, before the current Tiger players were even born -- by a combined score of 670-122. ...
The way it was 9/25
(Column ~ 09/25/03)
100 Years Ago -- September 25, 1903 John Mims went to Metz this morning to begin the erection of four new brick business buildings. These buildings will be one-story structures and will take the place of the buildings destroyed by the recent fire. Mims will go to Huncaston after the completion of the Metz buildings, where he has the contract for a brick public school building. ...
Middle age plus 9/25
(Column ~ 09/25/03)
I feel that I am experiencing a special treat when I am driving to an event and am not in a hurry. This doesn't often happen, but this week Lester and I drove to Arrow Rock, Missouri, for a mini-reunion of friends from college. When the five girls who shared a house on Wilson Avenue can still stay in touch and get together after fifty-five years, we feel it is an occasion to celebrate. ...
Then and now 9/25
(Column ~ 09/25/03)
The day may not be far off, I sometimes think, when this country will grind to a halt, will simply seize up, like an engine deprived of oil or coolant. The moving parts will no longer move. Smoke will billow out the tailpipe, followed by explosion and flames. ...