Magnificent monarchs migrating through town (Local News ~ 09/28/03)
Nevada resident Jim Hedges had unexpected visitors Monday on his property east of the racetrack -- monarch butterflies. A cedar tree on the southwest side of his house hosted a horde of resting monarchs, the only butterfly to migrate. Monarchs are interesting for more than their beauty. ... -
The third cup 9/28
(Column ~ 09/28/03)
Hi neighbors. Have some coffee and try to balance an egg on its end. The weatherman on some TV station said it could be done any time of the year with enough care and a steady hand. There was a short series on public television this month about recognizing the sacred balance needed between humans and the natural earth. ...
Stranger than fiction 9/28
(Column ~ 09/28/03)
Editor's note: This column originally was published on Jan. 20, 1999. I'm not exactly sure why my in-laws gave us the "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" board game for Christmas. Maybe it's the long, cold silences that often occur between The Other Half and me when the in-laws are around. ...
Outdoor living 9/28
(Column ~ 09/28/03)
The 2003 early teal season has come and gone, leaving duck hunters looking forward to the regular season next month. Ending the bluewing teal season at the Schell-Osage Wildlife Area couldn't have worked out any better and proved once again that timing is everything. ...
Sports outlook 9/28
(Column ~ 09/28/03)
This time, nothing helped. Unlike most people, I hate football season because I like football so much. Since that might seem odd to you, allow me to elaborate. When school dismisses in the spring that leaves the beautiful, warm, worriless summer ahead. ...
Nevada Tiger softball raises the bar, bit by bit
(High School Sports ~ 09/28/03)
The fledgling Nevada Lady Tiger softball program continues to show improvement. Nevada defeated El Dorado Springs 8-6 for its highest single-season win total thus far in its three-year history. The Tigers have three wins against nine losses and the El Dorado victory was the first-ever home win. ...
Tiger golf fares poorly against tough competition
(High School Sports ~ 09/28/03)
Three matches in three days may have taken its toll on the Nevada Tiger golf team. Nevada participated in a tri-match against Clinton and Smith-Cotton of Sedalia, Mo., at the Clinton Country Club on Thursday. The Tigers finished last with a 240 team score to champion Smith-Cotton's 186 and second-place Clinton's 209. ...
Tigers test Webb City (High School Sports ~ 09/28/03)
"Bring your A game," was the rallying cry for the Nevada Tigers going into the Webb City game. Based on sheer effort and determination, the Tigers earned an A+ for their courageous performance in a 22-8 loss to favored Southwest Conference kingpin Webb City at Logan Field on Friday. ... -
United Way Campaign kicks off with goal of funding 18 local groups
(Local News ~ 09/28/03)
On Wednesday, The United Way kicked off its annual campaign with a breakfast introducing some of the 18 groups that will receive aid from the Vernon County United Way this year. Several events and fund-raising efforts have been planned, ranging from Oktoberfest activities on Oct. ...
City breaks ground on Walton Park Pool improvement project
(Local News ~ 09/28/03)
Nevada Mayor Bill Edmonds and a host of dignitaries, including the parks board, the chamber of commerce, and city council gathered early Friday afternoon to break ground for the new Family Aquatics Center at Walton Park Pool. The improvements were approved on second reading at the council meeting Tuesday night during the regular council meeting, with only Brian Leonard voting against the measure. ...
Library to host children's wildlife event
(Local News ~ 09/28/03)
Wonders of wildlife Zooquarium's Book and a Beast program is coming to the Nevada Public Library on Tuesday, Oct. 7, in the library's meeting room. The first session, for children ages 3 to 5, consists of interactive programs featuring animals that are characters in books, presented by Julie Thein, Wonders of Wildlife Zooquarium's outreach interpreter, who will be bringing the program to libraries throughout Missouri. ...
The way it was 9/28
(Column ~ 09/28/03)
100 Years Ago -- September 28, 1903 CLUB ACTIVITY -- A whole trainload of good fellows, members of the Benevolent Order of Protective Elks, from Parsons and Fort Scott, Kan., landed here at 11:30 yesterday morning and the green pastures were discovered and held by right of discovery by the Nevada Elks was ranged over until 10 o'clock Sunday evening. ...